
Algorithm repo for git-tturami

Primary LanguageJava


Git-tturami is programming study group in Chung-Ang university computer science engineering.
We pursue study for Mutual Benefit. so, Feel free debating each other.
This repository is for algorithm study.

For uploading your code

  • Please make your own directory and push your codes.
  • Upload your code after naming with (ploblem's no)-(ploblem's name).cpp like 1000-add.cpp.
  • Make Pull request, and our member will review your code.

Small rules for our study

  • Review other's code actively!!
  • Write commit-msg so we can understand well.
  • When you write comment in your Pull request, you should include about below ones,
    • My code's abstract Time complexity.
    • My code's abstract Space complexity.
    • What algorithm, data structures or ways I used.