
HTML parser for PHP - Парсер HTML

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

PHP Composer

Attention: New version can break compatibility, in that case use previous version under the v1.0 branch or tag which supports even php 5.4+

\nokogiri class is left for compatibility

In English На русском

HTML parser

This library is a fast HTML parser, which can work with invalid code (errors are ignored).
Under the hood is used LibXML.
As the input you can use HTML string in UTF-8 encoding or DOMDocument.
For the querying elements CSS selectors are used, which are transformed to XPath expressions internally.


Loading HTML

HTML errors are ignored

  • From HTML string $saw = new \nokogiri($html); $saw = \nokogiri::fromHtml($html);
  • From DOM elements $saw = new \nokogiri($dom); $saw = \nokogiri::fromDom($dom);


$cssSelector elements have the following format: tagName[attribute=value]#elementId.className:pseudoSelector(expression)

$saw->get('div > a[rel=bookmark]')->toArray();


Returns underlying DOM structure as an array.
Values are attributes, text content under #text key and child elements under numeric keys


Returns HTML string

getDom() toDom()

Returns DOMDocument. Given true as the first argument - can also return DOMNodeList or DOMElement

Iteration over found elements

foreach ($saw->get('#sidebar a.topic') as $link){

Implemented selectors

  • tag
  • .class
  • #id
  • [attr]
  • [attr=value]
  • :root
  • :empty
  • :first-child
  • :last-child
  • :first-of-type
  • :last-of-type
  • :only-of-type
  • :nth-child(a)
  • :nth-child(an+b)
  • :nth-child(even/odd)


  • DOM
  • libxml >=2.9.0
  • PHP >= 7.3



What's new


  • Minimal PHP version 7.3
  • Minimal LibXML version 2.9.0
  • Complete refactoring
  • Partially changed behaviour, can break compatibility
  • HTML loading behaviour changed
  • Test coverage
  • Fixed work of nth-child and other selectors
  • Incorrect selectors now throw exceptions
  • New selectors added


  • First version, 2011
  • Minimal PHP version 5.4