A simple Test Driven Chess implementation my group and I made for an university project. We used the Catch test framework, SDL2 and C++. The original project is here: https://github.com/rodrigo-xavier/Xadrez
Some Goals for this fork
- Fixing some minor interface things like the buggy mouse hover at the color selection and make it possible to pause at that screen;
- Improving the implementation. The GUI code is a mess right now.
- Matching the actual check and check mate rules. (You still can't avoid a check mate by protecting the king with another piece for instance)
- Making an actual minmax tree intelligence;
- board and piece skin selection feature;
- More options for edit mode
- Translate the comments to English (They are in portuguese right now)
The files are organized this way:
- docs -> some gcov and doxygen stuff that was used.
- include-> header files
- obj-> object files
- src-> main, makefile and source codes
- tests-> where the tests were written
- Any linux distribution you can install SDL libraries
- C++
- g++
- make
- SDL2
Check the correct package name of the SDL libraries. On Debian based distros that's libsdl2-dev and libsdl2-image-dev. On arch based distros the packages are: sdl2 and sdl2_image.
Compile and run
- go to the src directory.
- make
- make project (or just run ./Project)
- you can compile and run the tests located at tests/Test_main by typing "make test". The executable is generated at the top directory.
makefile commands:
make - Compile the project
make test - compile the test
make gcov - create gcov reports in docs
make clean - clean object and executable files
make all - compile, create test and run
Ingame commands:
- h -> show help (what are the possible positions for the selected piece)
- b -> best movement (there's no possible moves tree yet so it's not quite accurate)
On Edit mode:
- left and right -> select the piece
- up and down -> select the color
- click -> place the piece.
- d -> done, start a pvp mode after editing the piece positions
Board and pieces assets taken from https://www.behance.net/gallery/10018309/Chess-Artwork-Pieces-and-Board-Art-Assets