Connect a private NAS server to your local network.
You can upload and download files from a hard disk,
plugged into the USB port of your Raspberry Pi Zero W.
- Https for front-end & back-end
- Http redirection to https
- Access to page with hostname
- Login feature with PIN Code, the authentification is using JWT Token
- Production mode on Pi Zero W
- Development mode
- Docker compose to run all components of the project
- Navigation
- Upload a file
- Download a file
- Delete a file
- Rename a file
- Move a file
- Options
- Quick Notes
- Wifi AP
You need at least a Raspberry Pi Zero W to run this private NAS.
Every Raspberry Pi released after the Pi Zero W will work.
I recommend you to buy a starter kit to get these essential items:
- Micro SD Card with micro SD to SD Adapter to install Raspbian in your Pi Zero W
- 5V Power supply
- Micro USB to USB Adapter to connect your hard disk
- (OPTIONAL) micro HDMI to HDMI Adapter
The micro HDMI to HDMI Adapter can be useful for displaying the screen of Raspbian.
The micro USB to USB Adapter can also connect a USB Keyboard to control your Pi Zero W.
Installation steps can be summarized on Pi Zero W are:
- Setup OS
- Install Docker
- Execute a script to enable Wifi AP ? (To be defined)
- Transfer a release of the project
- Run docker compose
1) Install Raspberry Pi OS Lite with Raspberry Pi Imager.
Before writing to the micro SD Card, make sure to set these settings:
- Hostname (link used to access your NAS)
- Activate SSH Access
- Define an username and password
- Configure the WiFi
- Define the locale settings