Easy Squlite
A easy version of squlite for begginers
* = Requred Arguments
!! Don't type the "*" !!
e.g. connect(databasename) * format : command(args)
Required Perameters:
connect(databasename) *
maketable(tablename,columns) * Creats a table in the database TABLENAME is the name of the table and COLUMS is the type eg: number INTEGER
inserttable(tablename,columns,values) * Used to insert data in the database
deleteinput(tablename,columns,values) * Delete stuff from tables
deletetable(tablename) * Delete Entire Tables
checkiftableexists(tablename) * Check if a spesific table exists TIP: This command returns True/False
checkifvalueexists(tablename,columns,values) Checks if a value exists in a table TIP: This command returns true/false
gettable(tablename) Returns the value(s) and columns of a entire table
getcolumn(tablename,columns) Returns the value(s) of a column
cleardatabase(databasename) Deletes a entire database
getdatabase(databasename) Get all the stuff in a database