
  • Python

  • open CV

  • Caer

  • Read images and videos

  • Rescale images and videos

  • Drawing shapes & putting text

    • Paint the image from certain color
      • Color whole of the image
      • Color certain portions of the image
    • Drawing shapes
      • Draw a Rectangle
        • Fill the rectangle
      • Draw a Circle
      • Draw a Line
    • Writing Text
  • Functions

    • Converting Image to grayscale
    • Blur Image
    • Edge Cascade in the Image
    • Eroding Image
    • Resize Image
    • Cropping Image
  • Image Transformation

    • Translation -x --> Left -y --> Up x --> Right y --> Down

      • x --> Right & y --> Down
      • -x --> Left & y --> Down
    • Rotation

    • Resize Image

    • Flipping Image

run python file - py <>