##Object file converter This utility can be used for converting object files between COFF/PE, OMF, ELF and Mach-O formats for all 32-bit and 64-bit x86 platforms. Can modify symbol names in object files. Can build, modify and convert function libraries across platforms. Can dump object files and executable files. Also includes a very good disassembler supporting the SSE4, AVX, AVX2, AVX512, FMA3, FMA4, XOP and Knights Corner instruction sets. Source code included (GPL). Manual. Web : http://www.agner.org/optimize/#objconv Manual : http://www.agner.org/optimize/objconv-instructions.pdf Original Source File: http://www.agner.org/optimize/objconv.zip ( Not the same as the source on branch ) File name: objconv.zip, size: 1033406, last modified: 2018-Oct-07. Patched Applied on 2019-Oct-28. Author : Agner Fog, Ph.D. E-mail : agner@agner.org Mail-Address : Ørnevej 29, 2.th. 2400 Copenhagen NV Denmark Last edited: "Ralic Lo"<ralic.lo.eng@ieee.org>
Object file converter This utility can be used for converting object files between COFF/PE, OMF, ELF and Mach-O formats for all 32-bit and 64-bit x86 platforms. Can modify symbol names in object files. Can build, modify and convert function libraries across platforms. Can dump object files and executable files. Also includes a very good disassembler supporting the SSE4, AVX, AVX2, AVX512, FMA3, FMA4, XOP and Knights Corner instruction sets.