
OPJGraph - Easy charts for openHAB and MySQL

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

OPJGraph - Easy charts for openHAB and MySQL


  • Web server with PHP or PHP-Cli
  • GD support for PHP
  • JpGraph library
  • openHAB with MySQL Persistece


  • View graphs as images directly in your browser or link them in your sitemap as image items.
  • Call "line.php" or "bar.php" from the command line to draw graphs straight to images in your desired location.
  • Call scripts through web page but draw them to file specified in configuration file

Line graph - line.php

  • Time frame is 24 hours.
  • Items with number values are drawn as line.
  • State (On/Off) items are drawn as a bar at the bottom of the graph.
  • Multiple graphs can be drawn under each other as a single image by specifying multiple [chart*] sections in configuration.
  • linegraph.php accepts GET parameter ?period=[today,last24h,yyyy-mm-dd]:
    • today - Today's data from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59.
    • last24h - Latest data to next full hour and 24 hours back.
    • *yyyy-mm-dd - Historical data of specified date e.g. 2018-08-25.

Bar graph - bar.php

  • Time frame is one week and is drawn as a grouped bar plot. One bar is an items average value per day.
  • Only number items are supported.

Web page - index.php + opjgraph.js + dates.php

  • Simple web page to show configured graphs and access historical data.
  • Selection elements for picking a date.
  • Selections are automatically generated from dates in your database. See Configuration - database.ini



  • Install the JpGraph library as advised in documentation.
  • Remember to setup include_path for JpGraph in your php.ini.

Configuration file descriptions

Database - database.ini

Setting Example value Description
type mysql Type of database
host your.database.com:3306 Database host
name mydatabase Database name
uname user1 Database username
pw verysecretpassword Database password
timetable outdoortemp_001 Table name where to get all dates for saved data.
  • type - At this time only MySQL database is supported
  • timetable - This is only used for dates.php to get distinct dates from your database.

Line graph - line.ini

Setting Example value Description
title My chart title Title of your graph.
sizev 1000 Vertical size of image in pixels
sizeh 600 Horizonal size of image in pixels
showlegend true Wether to show legend box under chart
legendcols 4 How many columns to have in legend box
legendunit "°C" Text/unit to display after value in legend box
yaxistitle "Celsius" Title for Y-axis
drawtofile false / "imagename.png" Draw to a file.
items[yourlineitem] "line:blue:Outdoor temperature:°C" Number item with blue color and legend title Outdoor temperature.
items[yourstateitem] "state:green:Heat pump" State item with green color and legen title Heat pump.
  • items[yourlineitem] - Item name in the square brackets [ ] as it is in your database.

Bar graph - bar.ini

Setting Example value Description
title My chart title Title of your graph.
sizev 1000 Vertical size of image
sizeh 600 Horizonal size of image
period 7 How many days to show in chart
showlegend true Wether to show legend box under chart
legendcols 4 How many columns to have in legend box
yaxistitle "Celsius" Title for Y-axis
drawtofile false / "imagename.png" Draw to a file.
items[yourbaritem] "lightblue:Indoor temperature" Bar with lightblue color and legend title Indoor temperature
items[yourbaritem] "lightgreen:Outdoor temperature" Bar with lightgreen color and legend title Outdoor temperature
  • items[yourbaritem] - Item name in the square brackets [ ] as it is in your database.


As database.ini file contains your database username and password remember to set up your web server not to allow direct view of .ini files.

For example here's Apache's configuration section to hide all .ini and .inc files:

<Files \*.in\*>
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all


Licensed under The MIT License (MIT). See LICENSE.txt


Ver. 0.2.0 - 6.9.2018

  • Call graph scripts from command line

Ver. 0.1 - 5.9.2018

  • First beta release
