
Ansible role for linux storage management

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Linux Storage Role

CI Testing

This role allows users to configure local storage with minimal input.

As of now, the role supports managing file systems and mount entries on

  • unpartitioned disks
  • lvm (unpartitioned whole-disk physical volumes only)

Role Variables

NOTE: Beginning with version 1.3.0, unspecified parameters are interpreted differently for existing and non-existing pools/volumes. For new/non-existent pools and volumes, any omitted omitted parameters will use the default value as described in defaults/main.yml. For existing pools and volumes, omitted parameters will inherit whatever setting the pool or volume already has. This means that to change/override role defaults in an existing pool or volume, you must explicitly specify the new values/settings in the role variables.


The storage_pools variable is a list of pools to manage. Each pool contains a nested list of volume dicts as described below, as well as the following keys:


This specifies the name of the pool to manage/create as a string. (One example of a pool is an LVM volume group.)


This specifies the type of pool to manage. Valid values for type: lvm.


A list which specifies the set of disks to use as backing storage for the pool. Supported identifiers include: device node (like /dev/sda or /dev/mapper/mpathb), device node basename (like sda or mpathb), /dev/disk/ symlink (like /dev/disk/by-id/wwn-0x5000c5005bc37f3f).


When used with type: lvm it manages a volume group with a mdraid array of given level on it. Input disks are in this case used as RAID members. Accepted values are: linear, striped, raid0, raid1, raid4, raid5, raid6, raid10


This is a list of volumes that belong to the current pool. It follows the same pattern as the storage_volumes variable, explained below.


This specifies whether or not the pool will be encrypted using LUKS. WARNING: Toggling encryption for a pool is a destructive operation, meaning the pool itself will be removed as part of the process of adding/removing the encryption layer.


This string specifies a password or passphrase used to unlock/open the LUKS volume(s).


This string specifies the full path to the key file on the managed nodes used to unlock the LUKS volume(s). It is the responsibility of the user of this role to securely copy this file to the managed nodes, or otherwise ensure that the file is on the managed nodes.


This string specifies a non-default cipher to be used by LUKS.


This integer specifies the LUKS key size (in bytes).


This integer specifies the LUKS version to use.


The storage_volumes variable is a list of volumes to manage. Each volume has the following variables:


This specifies the name of the volume.


This specifies the type of volume on which the file system will reside. Valid values for type: lvm, disk or raid. The default is determined according to the OS and release (currently lvm).


This specifies the set of disks to use as backing storage for the file system. This is currently only relevant for volumes of type disk, where the list must contain only a single item.


The size specifies the size of the file system. The format for this is intended to be human-readable, e.g.: "10g", "50 GiB".

NOTE: The requested volume size may be reduced as necessary so the volume can fit in the available pool space, but only if the required reduction is not more than 2% of the requested volume size.


This indicates the desired file system type to use, e.g.: "xfs", "ext4", "swap". The default is determined according to the OS and release (currently xfs for all the supported systems).


The fs_label is a string to be used for a file system label.


The fs_create_options specifies custom arguments to mkfs as a string.


The mount_point specifies the directory on which the file system will be mounted.


The mount_options specifies custom mount options as a string, e.g.: 'ro'.


Specifies RAID level when type is raid. Accepted values are: linear, striped, raid0, raid1, raid4, raid5, raid6, raid10


When type is raid specifies number of active RAID devices.


When type is raid specifies number of spare RAID devices.


When type is raid specifies RAID metadata version as a string, e.g.: '1.0'.


When type is raid specifies RAID chunk size as a string, e.g.: '512 KiB'. Chunk size has to be multiple of 4 KiB.


This specifies whether or not the volume will be encrypted using LUKS. WARNING: Toggling encryption for a volume is a destructive operation, meaning all data on that volume will be removed as part of the process of adding/removing the encryption layer.


This string specifies a password or passphrase used to unlock/open the LUKS volume.


This string specifies the full path to the key file on the managed nodes used to unlock the LUKS volume(s). It is the responsibility of the user of this role to securely copy this file to the managed nodes, or otherwise ensure that the file is on the managed nodes.


This string specifies a non-default cipher to be used by LUKS.


This integer specifies the LUKS key size (in bits).


This integer specifies the LUKS version to use.


When true (the default), an error will occur instead of automatically removing existing devices and/or formatting.

Example Playbook

- hosts: all

    - name: linux-system-roles.storage
        - name: app
            - sdb
            - sdc
            - name: shared
              size: "100 GiB"
              mount_point: "/mnt/app/shared"
              #fs_type: xfs
              state: present
            - name: users
              size: "400g"
              fs_type: ext4
              mount_point: "/mnt/app/users"
        - name: images
          type: disk
          disks: ["mpathc"]
          mount_point: /opt/images
          fs_label: images
