
opencv3.0 the cv2 no this method

Closed this issue · 7 comments

File "/Users/telescopeman/project/simple-ocr-opencv/", line 47, in init
self.knn= cv2.KNearest()
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'KNearest'

Did you try the opencv3 branch?

On 25/03/16 04:30, guoyonggang178 wrote:

line 47, in init
self.knn= cv2.KNearest()
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'KNearest'

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Did you get to try this?

I'm closing this, feel free to open another issue if you are still having problems

in OpenCV3, please use instead.

@Django-27 Isn't that already done in the branch?

Might not be the case at that time (2016) but now with a opencv 4 version, I got the issue cause condition is ==3

class KNNClassifier(Classifier):
    def __init__(self, k=1, debug=False):
        if get_opencv_version() == 3:
            self.knn =
            self.knn = cv2.KNearest()
        self.k = k
        self.debug = debug

How to install OpenCV 4?