DevOps assignment

Minimal environment with keycloak and a custom python app behind nginx, in docker, orchestrated with docker-compose.


Start the environment: docker-compose up -d

Create a new user in the keycloak admin: http://localhost/keycloak/admin

Tip: add credentials for keycloak and postgres in a .env file.


  1. http://localhost/: "Hello world!" index page
  2. http://localhost/login: redirects to keycloak auth
  3. http://localhost/auth/callback: keycloak callback after login

Known issues

  1. The python app builds correctly but does not work in production mode only in development mode.
  2. The app's login is broken.
  3. Connections to the keycloak endpoints fail with "502 Bad Gateway".
  4. The python app's Dockerfile does not follow best practices.


  1. Any git commits should follow the conventional commits specifications.
  2. git formatted patches are preferred.