Author: Teng Fu
Repo for NLP task development, including multiple Python based NLP packages with Jupyter Lab development inferface.
This is the docker image for NLP task, its baseImage is:
FROM tftwdockerhub/cuda_cudnn_ana_base:latest
No Tensorflow or PyTorch.
For NLP packages:
- nltk
- spacy
- gensim
- textblob
For NLP pipeline:
- snorkel
All the additional language models are also installed by using:
python -m <language-model-download>
on virtual machines
sudo docker login
sudo docker pull tftwdockerhub/nlp_devel:latest
Remember the target port for VM access externally is 8889
sudo nvidia-docker run -it -p 8889:8888 -v < project-dir-path >:/app tftwdockerhub/nlp_devel:latest
In local browser, remember the target port is 8889
http://< vm-dns-or-IP-address >:8889/?token=21c5e12de68e91dcb2577ec1ce345d1c1d675c9aca43d54b&token=21c5e12de68e91dcb2577ec1ce345d1c1d675c9aca43d54b