- 8
cannot login in IntelliJ IDEA
#212 opened by codeBigDreamer - 3
Deleting session locally doesn't delete a previous shared chat session permalink
#222 opened by dmelo89 - 7
Wrost thing ever to be made.
#232 opened by ZeaReaZ - 3
Shows HTML elements as grey boxes
#227 opened by JimTheFrog - 2
Port settings for remote connect
#226 opened by lemonade7296 - 4
【FBI】After selecting the code, it directly describes what instructions to do, which seems more direct
#224 opened by dylan-tao - 2
cant use in Android Studio Koala
#220 opened by yuexuanchen - 1
can't setup bito with vscode plugin
#221 opened by PatrickZhao12 - 1
Pycharm 2024.2 error message
#219 opened by Ss789 - 4
Cannot login to Bito when using WSL via VSCode
#215 opened by peachypeachyy - 13
cant login bito in vscode
#210 opened by liangwei191 - 4
- 3
Takes too long to start
#203 opened by sibman - 4
md file can't open in As
#206 opened by hezhipengzipp - 7
JetBrain IDEs use bito plugin question
#207 opened by wuwei0727 - 2
request is timing out
#209 opened by TienDatzd99 - 4
- 3
android studio
#211 opened by RTException - 14
Error plugin
#202 opened by AlexJMcloud - 15
- 13
Questions about Bazel projects always result in "Could not find a relevant data or information to answer the question."
#198 opened by Algomorph - 3
How can I choice full line suggestions tool?
#205 opened by ChandlerBent - 15
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindow.activate(java.lang.Runnable, boolean, boolean)" because the return value of "com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowManager.getToolWindow(String)" is null
#197 opened by hezhipengzipp - 3
How do I switch models after opening a 10x plan
#204 opened by Zhe-xing-sun - 4
- 2
Migrate to a new Inline Completion API
#196 opened by BarracudaPff - 4
I can't sign in
#201 opened by HU75 - 1
VS Code plugin: allow multi-root projects support
#199 opened by wowkalucky - 3
Problem intermittent in PyCharm Bito plugin
#190 opened by pitito952 - 8
`Cannot invoke (class=, method=beforeAccept, topic= user action performed)` at `MessageBusImpl.kt:677` in Clion
#186 opened by Algomorph - 1
I have a question I'd like to ask.
#182 opened by 18801151992 - 3
- 1
Deleting a user account
#195 opened by Nunyabb - 3
- 3
Bito faild loading when open a folder
#179 opened by wordsand - 1
Feature request: use IDE API to handle error reporting in CLion and other JetBrains IDEs
#187 opened by Algomorph - 2
Bug in Clion: ### ms to call on BGT precache-slow-data@AcceptSuggestion#Update@keyboard shortcut
#188 opened by Algomorph - 1
Clion: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineExceptionHandlerImplKt
#189 opened by Algomorph - 1
Will this project be open-sourced?
#181 opened by 18801151992 - 3
- 3
- 7
Bug in CLion: java.lang.AssertionError: 1474 (class com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.RangeHighlighterTree); this: 15149(class com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.RangeHighlighterTree)
#185 opened by Algomorph - 10
The "Stop Generating" button blocked the input box
#171 opened by haitaohua - 4
ERROR: We love that you love Bito's AI Chat! You have hit your daily chat limit on your plan.
#178 opened by wangyexiang - 6
Android studio,Too many restarts of GPU-process (JCEF)
#174 opened by hugbio - 5
A serious bug!!!!!
#176 opened by vance0901 - 2
First time using this plugin in vscode, the workspace will generate .vscode/settings.json
#173 opened by tomgao365 - 3
It`s a BUG or other?
#177 opened by Hoper-Q - 2
Feature Request: Improved dashboard with pinnable prompts. Mockup Included.
#175 opened by futuremotiondev - 4
Button failure
#170 opened by SMSshuai