- 0
Change the direction from off to on
#69 opened by jameswilson34 - 4
Toggle doesn't work on bootstrap 4 modal
#29 opened by hungpham-cb - 8
Height/Width issue when inside tab
#26 opened by jscarle - 1
None of Vue directives work
#68 opened by nikriaz - 2
Title Attribute not transferred to div.toggle
#66 opened by Rockburner - 3
Update to bootstrap 5
#59 opened by Playerek - 5
- 2
Readonly atribute is ignored
#64 opened by CribAd - 1
how to use the indeterminate state ?
#38 opened by Mina-R-Meshriky - 1
- 2
using the bootstrap4-toggler with ajax
#65 opened by norhan22 - 3
Checkbox value in form on submit
#19 opened by ecrahul46 - 1
event via jquery
#63 opened by FrederickD - 0
- 2
Toggle turns into normal checkbox
#40 opened by frameworker2019 - 0
- 0
Cannot get component to work on my site
#60 opened by SoftCircuits - 1
- 6
#42 opened - 1
Bootstrap 4.5 mini (-xs) size issue
#55 opened by sys-auditing - 1
bootstrap4-toggle with Laravel mix
#54 opened by sys-auditing - 1
enable the silent option not working
#49 opened by CHOUKI-Mouhssine - 1
toggle component shows up as a checkbox
#31 opened by ptt-bs23 - 1
npm - missing css, only min.css exists
#33 opened by subdesign - 0
Disable Toggle and switch to off don't work
#52 opened by argawow - 0
Disabled Style Change Cursor to default
#51 opened by argawow - 0
Rendering Problem
#47 opened by argawow - 1
FireFox Jquery Warning
#35 opened by shanemorton79 - 1
help to make 2 divs with bootstrap4-toggle
#48 opened by jesussuarz - 8
- 0
check attribute will not change
#46 opened by myehrajat - 0
vertical size is incorrect
#45 opened by ppazos - 0
Using with events?
#44 opened by philsmy - 0
I can't validate if the toggle is checked
#43 opened by RamsesSerna - 0
- 0
- 1
OnClick event never fires !
#37 opened by Mina-R-Meshriky - 1
- 1
- 1
Delay does not work
#22 opened by xbaha - 1
.map file not found
#21 opened by camilova - 0
Css is not working
#30 opened by Naghal - 0
Toggle appears as "on" for a second when created, even if source checkbox is unchecked
#28 opened by tarockx - 1
#16 opened by robertowiest - 1
Stopping Event Propagation is not working
#27 opened by jaccobezemer - 0
Why use such generic css selector for buttons?
#24 opened by violuke - 1
checkbox value + .visible
#20 opened by jeff73230 - 2
Disable style is not working
#18 opened by rychlym - 2
Would be great to have CSS only instructions
#17 opened by simonh1000 - 2