- alexanmtzBanking Circle
- apbendi@ScopeLift
- byre54Resa Aqrobby
- chengjingfeng
- ezarubaUnited States
- fredericksilvaEarth
- gdixon@gitcoinco
- ghostffcodeInternet
- giliomeejgNudge
- hatgit
- jameslegueMobials Inc.
- jayvdb@franklin-ai
- jhcloos
- johan718New York City
- JoukoSalonen@nordledger
- jrwdunhamCircleCI
- kammerdienerAtlanta, Georgia
- Kweiss@gitcoinco
- MatthewPChapdelaineLoporian Industries
- motodimagoJapan
- Neustradamus
- nfrgosselin
- nunofernandes-plightPhotonics Precision Technologies, The Intelligence of Information & FasterCapital
- octavioamu@windranger-io
- otspace0715
- phutchins
- PixelantDesignArlington, VA
- redsquirrelFlexa, Inc.
- saketbairoliya2@truera
- sc0VuTaiwan
- SpencerCooleyspencer cooley
- spm32@gitcoinco
- thelostone-mcAllo, ex-gitcoin , ex-paypal
- zerojuls
- zoek1México