

Primary LanguagePerlMIT LicenseMIT



Current Status

Build Status


Hadouken logo Hadouken is an irc bot which aims to provide fun, information, and channel management. The main goal is a simple plugin design so others can contribute even with limited time. There are many useful, and some not so useful plugins included to begin with.

Getting Started

This is straight forward and will take just a few minutes. I recommend using perlbrew for a newer version of perl and to keep things seperated from the system.

It's perl Makefile.PL; make; sudo make install.

Now modify your configuration. By default it is in /etc/hadouken.conf. Once completed we're going to run hadouken --setup to encrypt the config file on disk. This requires you to set a password, so don't forget it.

Now you are able to run hadouken with hadouken start to run it as a daemon.

If you would like to setup hadouken as a service you can generate the init file by running hadouken get_init_file > /etc/init.d/hadouken.

Command-line Options

Make sure you make a backup of your configuration. It's possibly you might encrypt it twice by accident, rendering it useless.

  • Run service:

    hadouken start

  • Stop service:

    hadouken stop

  • Restart service:

    hadouken restart

  • Get service status:

    hadouken status

  • Specify another configuration:

    hadouken --config=[file]

  • Run in foreground:

    hadouken foreground

  • Encrypt configuration file:

    hadouken --setup

  • Display encrypted configuration file:

    hadouken --showconfig

  • Provide password as an argument:

    hadouken --password=[passwd]

  • Generate init file for Hadouken

    hadouken get_init_file `

Core Commands

These are the core commands of Hadouken. There are many plugin-ins as well so make yourself familiar with those.

Common command aliases

  1. Command: remove.

Alias: rm, rem, del, delete.

  1. Command: list.

Alias: ls.

  1. Command: all.

Alias: *.

Command Prefixes

  1. Prefix: .

eg .admin add dek@dek.org

  1. Prefix: hadouken

eg hadouken admin ls

  1. Prefix: hadouken,

eg hadouken, weather jfk

Administrative commands

Commands for management of admin users:

  • admin add [ident@host.com]
  • admin rm [ident@host.com]
  • admin ls
  • admin grep [string]
  • admin key [password] - Set a password used for admin communication or optionally perform a Diffie-Hellman key exchange.
  • admin reload - Reload hadouken.

Commands for management of whitelisted users:

Commands for management of blacklisted users:

Commands for management of channels:

  • channel add [#channel]
  • channel rm [#channel]
  • channel ls
  • channel mode [#channel]
  • channel mode [#channel] [modes]

Channel Modes:

+O Automatically op admins when they join a channel.

+W Automatically op whitelisted user when they join a channel.

+P Protect admin users from de-op/kick/ban.

+V Protect whitelisted users.

+U Automatically shorten url displayed.

+A Aggressive mode if protection is triggered.

+Z Allow plugins to be used in the specified channel.

+F Fast op mode. No verification of op mode changes.

Plugin commands

  • plugin [arg] status - Get status of plugin or use wildcard for status of all available plugins.

  • plugin [arg] load - Load plugin or use wildcard to load all available plugins.

  • plugin [arg] unload - Unload plugin or use wildcard to unload all available plugins.

  • plugin [arg] reload - Reload plugin or use wildcard to reload all available plugins.

  • plugin [arg] autoload on - Set autoload on for plugin, or use wildcard for every available plugin.

  • plugin [arg] autoload off - Set autoload off for plugin, or use wildcard for every available plugin.

Miscellaneous commands

  • commands - Get a list of commands you are able to access determined by your ACL.
  • plugins - Get a list of available plugins you can access determined by your ACL.
  • raw - Send raw command to server. eg: .raw privmsg dek hello.
  • stats - Get version info and uptime.
  • powerup - If the bot is oped, it will op you.
  • trivia start - Start trivia game.
  • trivia stop - Stop trivia game.


Hadouken has been tested on the following versions of perl:

  • perl-5.30
  • perl-5.28
  • perl-5.26
  • perl-5.24
  • perl-5.22
  • perl-5.20
  • perl-5.18
  • perl-5.16
  • perl-5.14

These dependencies may not be satisfied, but this is very rare.

If you have issues with Math::Pari and Digest::MD2 follow the directions below. If you have issues with Digest::MD2 only, jump to step 10.

  1. wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/I/IL/ILYAZ/modules/Math-Pari-2.01080605.tar.gz
  2. wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/I/IL/ILYAZ/modules/pari/pari-2.1.7.tgz
  3. tar -zxvf Math-Pari-2.01080605.tar.gz
  4. tar -zxvf pari-2.1.7.tgz
  5. cd Math-Pari-2.01080605
  6. Edit Makefile.PL
  7. Change $paridir = "../pari-2.1.7";
  8. perl Makefile.PL machine=none
  9. make install
  10. apt-get install libdigest-md2-perl

Hadouken on github: [https://github.com/gitdek/hadouken]

Hadouken: [http://ha.douken.co]