
  1. clone this project
  2. run
  • if you try to run it in a version older than Python 3.7.2
  • Temp PIN is "1111"
  • The test consider cash bin

ATMcontroller has 3 methods

  1. Withdraw(cash, user)
  • This is a function that withdraw money.
  • cash means the money put in the ATM.
  • user means user information in card.
  • The function return [status,money]
    • status means that it worked properly.
    • money means that if it worked, how much money should be withdrawn.
  1. Deposit(cash, user)
  • This is a function that deposits money.
  • cash means the money put in the ATM.
  • user means user information in card.
  • The function return status
    • status means that it worked properly.
  1. Balance(user)
  • This is a function that check the money.
  • user means user information in card.
  • The function return balance
    • balance means that balance in your card

This is the ATM situation using my ATMcontroller