A lightweight (~850 B) library for easy mac/window shortcut notation.
convert shortcut text depending on the type of OS (window/linux/mac).
This is useful when you want to display a shortcut text that fits user's OS. It is also useful for converting mac's shortcut keys to symbols.
Using npm/yarn:
# npm
npm install --save kbd-txt
# yarn
yarn add kbd-txt
Using unpkg CDN:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/kbd-txt/dist/kbd-txt.umd.js"></script>
import { convert } from 'kbd-txt';
// Basic Usage
// Results
// mac: Option+S
// window: Alt+S
// Basic Usage 2 - $mod
// Results
// mac: Command+S
// window: Ctrl+S
// Symbol Usage
const options = { normalizeOptions: { useSymbol: true } };
convert('$mod+s', options);
// Results
// mac: ⌘+S
// window: Ctrl+S
<script src="https://unpkg.com/kbd-txt/dist/kbd-txt.umd.js">
kbdTxt.convert('$mod+s', { normalizeOptions: { useSymbol: true } });
understands the following modifiers:
Meta: ['command', 'cmd', '⌘'],
Alt: ['alt', 'option', '⌥'],
Control: ['control', 'ctrl', '^'],
Shift: ['shift', '⇧'],
Convert shortcut text depending on the type of OS (window/linux/mac).
const options = { normalizeOptions: { useSymbol: true } };
convert('$mod+s', options);
// Results
// mac: ⌘+S
// window: Ctrl+S
parseOptions: {
separator?: string; // A string that identifies characters to use in separating the string.
normalizeOptions: {
separator?: string; // A string used to separate one element of the array from the next in the resulting string.
useSymbol?: boolean; // If true, Display as a symbol.
os?: 'window' | 'mac' // If set, Display a shortcut text that fits OS.
Parse the shortcut text and convert to Token(KeyboardEvent.key) format.
It's the same form as the Keyboard Event.key
is converted to Meta/Control depending on the type of OS.
// Results
// mac: ['Meta', 's']
// window: ['Control', 's']
separator?: string; // A string that identifies characters to use in separating the string.
Merge Token[] to text according to the option.
normalizeToken(['Alt', 's']);
// Results
// mac: Option+S
// window: Alt+S
separator?: string; // A string used to separate one element of the array from the next in the resulting string.
useSymbol?: boolean; // If true, Display as a symbol.
os?: 'window' | 'mac' // If set, Display a shortcut text that fits OS.
Shortcut Text --(parse)--> Token(KeyboardEvent.key) --(normalize)--> Shortcuts Text for OS
parse: Parse the shortcut text and convert to Token(KeyboardEvent.key) format
normalize: Merge Token[] to text according to the option
- Demo Site
- CDN version
- Option to view OS version as fixed (View only in Mac version, view only in Window version)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.