
Automated tools for keeping the gitenberg site updated

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


GITenberg is a project to collectively curate ebooks on GitHub. Gitberg is a command line tool to automate tasks on books stored in git repositories. Gitberg-autoupdate is a set of automated tools to continuously update GITenberg.


Some commands require a config file before they can be used. See gitberg's documentation for details.


To run project in development mode clone the project and do:

python setup.py develop

The following environment variables must be set to the appropriate values:



To run project tests do:

python setup.py test


Both servers run in an AWS Elastic Beanstalk (EBS) application. webhook_server runs as a "Web server environment", and autoupdate_worker runs as a "Worker environment".

Configure the following environment variables (under Configuration > Software > Environment properties) for webhook_server environments:

  • GITBERG_GH_USER (deprecated)
  • GITBERG_GH_PASSWORD (deprecated)
  • GITBERG_GH_ACCESS_TOKEN (this is a 'user access token')
  • SSH_KEY_PASSWORD (this is the password to deploy/autoupdate_worker/id_ed25519_password)
  • Note that you must set these all when first creating the environment. Otherwise, it won't start and is then apparently unrecoverable.
  • Don't set AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY. The EBS instance role will be picked up automatically instead.
  • QTWEBENGINE_CHROMIUM_FLAGS="--no-sandbox" (needed to let calibre make PDF with QT and Chromium)

The EBS environment must be configured as follows for webhook_server environments:

  • Virtual machine instance profile: elasticbeanstalk-ec2-autoupdate
  • Health check path (under Monitoring): /health
  • Environment type: load balancing
  • Load balancer: add a HTTPS listener on 443 which delivers to HTTP on 80, using an appropriate SSL certificate

Configure the following environment variables (under Configuration > Software > Environment properties) for autoupdate_worker environments:


The EBS environment must be configured as follows for autoupdate_worker environments:

  • Virtual machine instance profile: elasticbeanstalk-ec2-autoupdate
  • Health check path (under Monitoring): /health
  • Environment type: load balancing
  • HTTP path (under Worker): /do_update
  • Worker queue (under Worker): gitberg-autoupdate-repositories
  • HTTP connections (under Worker): 5
  • Visibility timeout (under Worker): 600

Create the deployment zips using python deploy/make_deploy.py webhook_server and python deploy/make_deploy.py autoupdate_worker then upload to EB application versions. Make sure to commit your changes first.

Local mock deployment

To run one of the servers locally in a Docker container identical to the one which will be used by EBS, use these commands:

$ docker build -f deploy/webhook_server/Dockerfile -t webhook_server ./ && docker run -i --env-file test_env -p webhook_server
$ docker build -f deploy/autoupdate_worker/Dockerfile -t autoupdate_worker ./ && docker run -i --env-file test_env -p -v /tmp:/tmp autoupdate_worker

These commands rely on a file called test_env with the environment variables specified above under Development to be configured.

Testing in Development

You can use ngrok https://ngrok.com/ to send a github webhook to the auto-update server - it will put events on the configured queuing service.

To test the local autoupdate worker, just send it a post with curl, for example

to redo a file of repoversions: python -c "from gitenberg_autoupdate.queue import queue_from_file; queue_from_file('/Documents/gitenberg/redo.txt')"