On this website, users can leave reviews, share their favorite books, and communicate via text messages or video chats.
Test Account
Account | Password |
mark@gmail.com | mark123 |
- Managed variables and data types with TypeScript.
- Used Next.js Server Side Render to avoid flickering pages while data fetching.
- Implemented group video chat feature using WebRTC.
- Built the online chatroom to let members exchange thoughts about a book.
- Built a rating/review system with sub-reviews to let users exchange their ideas.
- Built a friend system that allows users to follow their friends' collections or reading status.
- Notified users when their reviews have been replied to with Firestore (onSnapShot).
- Connected to Google Books APIs for book searching.
- Integrated Google Books APIs and Firestore to save and create new book data.
- Used Immer to update objects and keep them immutable.
- Enabled users to manage their book collections and reading status by React-Beautiful-DnD.
- Managed members' login status and information with React-Redux.
- Applied Storybook to display UIs with less effort and no flakes.
- Created a member system with Firebase Authentication and Firestore.
- Applied
for almost all sizes of (>320px) devices.
- react
- next
- @reduxjs/toolkit
- styled-components
- firebase
- immer
- react-beautiful-dnd
- react-quill
- react-loading-skeleton
- sweetalert2
- typescript
- storybook
- eslint