
Package manager for downloading and installing Git Extensions plugins.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


NuGet based plugin manager for Git Extensions


Repository with some example plugins - https://www.myget.org/F/neptuo-gitextensions/api/v2.
Nightly builds of PluginManager available at Appveyor - https://ci.appveyor.com/nuget/gitextensions-pluginmanager.


Build status

Browsing for packages

PluginManager integrated into Git Extensions filters packages with dependency on GitExtensions.Extensibility. This package is right now a kind of meta package and it is used to mark nuget packages intended as Git Extensions plugins.

We are heading to use the official nuget.org feed to distribute plugin packages, but there is a bug (#67) which prevents us from using it. Right now it is recommended to use https://www.myget.org/F/neptuo-gitextensions/api/v2.

Command line arguments

PluginManager is designed to be a reusable tool to manage plugins distributed as nuget packages. This repository contains an integration package for Git Extensins. As a standalone application, PluginManager supports these command line arguments:

  • --path (required) - A root path to a directory where to install packages.
  • --selfpackageid (optional) - A package id to indicate which package should be treated as a package for self update.
  • --dependencies (optional) - A comma separated list of package ids and versions that are required in package to be compatible (Eg. GitExtensions.Extensibility-v3.0,TestA,TestB-v1).
  • --monikers (optional) - A comma separated list of .NET framework monikers to filter package content during extraction (Eg. net461,netstandard2.0).
  • --processnamestokillbeforechange - A comma separated list of process names to be killed before any changes being processed (it is used to kill all instances on Git Extensions before installing/uninstalling dlls, that might be locked).


Some icons by Yusuke Kamiyamane.
Some other by Material Design.