
Edge router/reverse proxy configuration for external ingress traffic.


This repository contains the configuration for my home edge/ingress load balancer, built on Caddy and caddy-security. This provides HTTPS/SSL termination with valid letsencrypt.org certificate for private IP. Additionally, it protects access to its upstream services via oauth using the caddy-security Google SSO integration. Services can only be accessed if user can sign-in successfully via Google SSO using an email on my home domain. If user authenticates successfully, a JWT is issued granting access across the load balancer.

Takes advantage of my own home-proxy-webserver Caddy container that has the Digital Ocean DNS and caddy-security extensions pre-installed.


  • Docker


Before deploying, all the environment variables declared in the .env file with values of CHANGE_ME must be replaced with valid values:

Environment Variable Description
CADDY_DOMAIN The domain (must be under control in Digital Ocean DNS)
CADDY_HEALTH_CHECK_URI The endpoint to use for Caddy health checking
CADDY_ADMIN The email address of the authentication admin user
DO_AUTH_TOKEN The Digital Ocean API Key
GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID The Google OAuth client ID
GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET The Google OAuth client secret
JWT_SHARED_KEY A random unique value for the authentication JWT shared key
FRIGATE_UPSTREAM_HOST The upstream hostname for the Frigate server
SCRYPTED_UPSTREAM_HOST The upstream hostname for the Scrypted server
HIFI_UPSTREAM_HOST The upstream hostname for the HifiBerry server
HOME_ASSISTANT_UPSTREAM_HOST The upstream hostname for the Home Assistant server
UNIFI_UPSTREAM_HOST The upstream IP for the Unifi OS Console

Naturally, the *_UPSTREAM_HOST machines should be live and accessible first!


    $ docker-compose up -d

After deploying, the following OAuth/SSL protected end points should be available:

Endpoint Description
https://auth.$CADDY_DOMAIN OAuth user management console
https://network.$CADDY_DOMAIN Unifi OS console
https://home.$CADDY_DOMAIN Home Assistant dashboard
https://nvr.$CADDY_DOMAIN Frigate NVR
https://scrypted.$CADDY_DOMAIN Scrypted console