
The conference for hacker community leaders: https://hackcon.mlh.io/. Here you can find everything related to the GitHub Scavenger Hunt.

Welcome to the GitHub Scavenger Hunt 👋 🕵️‍♀️

Here you'll find everything you need to participate in the GitHub Education Scavenger Hunt. Once you've completed each of the missions, create an Issue on this repository using the Scavenger Hunt template to verify they've been completed. We'll check the missions are completed and someone from the GitHub Education team will leave a comment with your final instructions. Only when this final mission is complete will you be entered into the drawing for GitHub swag ✨

  1. Complete all missions in the scavenger hunt
  2. Create an Issue verifying you’ve completed all of the steps
  3. Follow the instructions given to you by the GitHub team before 12:00 PM Pacific on Sunday

🗺 Missions

All missions must be complete to move onto the final stage! Be sure to expand each mission for details on how to verify the mission has been completed. Questions? Start a Discussion we'll help yah out.

Say hello 👋
  • Conferences are always more fun when you run into old friends and connections 👯‍♀️ Scan the list of attendees and send a quick hello to each name you recognize on the list. No names you recognize? We'll be your friend! Say hi to @elisemoe or @juanpflores. Complete this task by checking the box to say you've reconnected with someone at HackCon VIII.
Make new friends 👯‍♀️
  • Now that we've done some catching up, let's make a new friend. Choose one name (at random or someone you've wanted to connect with) and introduce yourself. Let them know why you love your student community and ask a question about theirs :) To complete this mission you'll need to send us a screenshot of your intro. No need to include their response!
Build your alter ego Octocat
  • Head on over to the Octocat Generator and create an Octocat representing your wonderful self. Tag @GitHubEducation and use the hashtag #HackCon on Twitter for a chance to be featured! Upload your Octocat to the Issue in order to complete this one.
Take a screenshot selfie with a Campus Expert or someone from the GitHub Education team 📸
  • Keep at eye on Discord through out the day and we'll let you know when we're hanging out inthe networking section. You can never be sure who you'll meet! When you come accross someone from the team (we'll be wearing our GitHub hoodies), capture a screenshot selfie. Share the selfie (usie?) in the Issue to verify this one.
Show us your "view" 🖼
  • Share a picture of your “view” at the conference. Laptop on the couch? Maybe the weather's nice and you're hanging out outside? Let's see what HackCon looks like in your slice on the universe. Upload a picture to the Discussion to verify this mission.
Where in the world? 🌍
  • Major League Hacking is a global community of hackers and community builders, and we are so excited that this year's HackCon is accessible from anywhere. Share something about your part of the world by taking a picture that represents your culture or location. For example, @elisemoe lives in Seattle so she might share a picture of an umbrella. This mission is verified by adding your image to the Where in the world 🌍 Discussion
Attend at least one lightning talk or panel featuring a Campus Expert ⚡️
  • This can be any of the sessions on our event page ✨ What did you learn? Write a sentance or two about something that stood out, or something you learned in the Issue.
  • You'll know it when you see it 👀 Make sure to take a screenshot and upload to the Issue!

🏆 Prizes

Three winners will be announced at the closing ceremony at 12:00 PM Pacific on Sunday. Can't make the closing ceremony? No worries! We'll get in touch via social media or email to send you swag.

To enter the raffle and win, you must -

  • Be an attendee at HackCon VIII
  • Complete all of the above missions and create an Issue on this repository
  • Complete one final mission at the GitHub Lounge (details provided as soon as your other missions are verified)


Happy hunting!

💖 The GitHub Education team