Security vulnerability database inclusive of CVEs and GitHub originated security advisories from the world of open source software.
- adamzrY Meadows
- arahja
- backcover7@salesforce
- CathalMullan@DuskSystems
- cn-kali-team@emo-crab @0x727
- deanpcmadHampshire, UK
- efstratiosUniversity Of Athens
- felickzPennsylvania, USA
- GorillaBearWolf
- GrantBirkiGitHub
- katblagOakland, CA
- Kath4rs1s
- Kenny2github@InternationalScratchWiki
- lyuhaSouth Korea
- Lz1yNu1L
- maxmilton@happyhackers-xyz
- mayakacz@tailscale
- mikeyhodl@WeKnow-io @gadgetsmagke @weknow-finance @amdefiguy
- msymons
- NishuGoel@epilot-dev
- ohader@TYPO3 @hofhaeckerei
- oliverchang@google
- ooooooo-qjapan
- orisano@recruit-tech
- PaddlingCode@BadSamuraiDev
- phith0nSingapore
- rarkinsMend
- risdenk@o19s and @apache
- santoshyadavdevSenior Software Engineer @Celonis
- shreyanshpSomewhere close to ground!
- stevespringett@ServiceNow
- taladraneGitHub
- TomahawkdEarth
- tututu-patch
- vanpersiexp
- voxpelli040