Gather metrics on issues/prs/discussions such as time to first response, count of issues opened, closed, etc.
- aasimSeattle, WA
- amazimbe404 Digital
- AndreyTretyakDublin, Ireland
- ashleymcnamaraGitHub
- babbageclunkMicrosoft
- BalighMehrezEgypt
- caohy1988MIcrosoft
- ccozianu
- colombod@microsoft @dotnet
- curinoMicrosoft - CISL
- DangMHDangMHStudios
- DonJayamanne@microsoft
- dpaquetteCalgary, AB
- ganonpSeattle, WA
- gramsterMicrosoft
- gryan11@Microsoft
- heejaechangMicrosoft
- jbjonesjrGitHub Inc
- jefeishGitHub
- jhcloos
- jshchn@Microsoft @GitHub
- jteraiyaBoston
- jyothi28
- lukehoban@pulumi
- luw315Microsoft
- MohanBulusuMicrosoft
- orktopus
- posaninagendra@microsoft
- qmuntal@microsoft
- rcastano
- satarupaguha11Microsoft
- sethjuarez@microsoft
- shiftkeyCanada
- stamat@github
- thewulf7@Microsoft
- waynewiGithub