
No longer possible to color text in Markdown

peterflynn opened this issue Β· 86 comments

Earlier, GFM allowed you to create colored text this way:
<font color="red">Status: **Not yet implemented**</font>

That used to work. But at some point the <font> tag was removed from the HTML sanitization whitelist.

I suppose it got removed because it's deprecated in HTML5. (Aside: the color attribute is still on the whitelist. Should it be removed too? As far as I know, there's no other HTML tag it can be used on...)

So, can we have a new supported way of coloring text in sanitized GFM now?

Here's one possibility: allow a very strict use of style for setting colors. Only attributes that exactly match the form style="color: #xxxxxx" would be permitted. For something as constrained as that, you could enforce it with a simple regexp like ^color:\s*#([0-9a-fA-F]{3}|[0-9a-fA-F]{6})$.

Thanks for the request. This gem only handles markup to HTML conversion, but I've logged your feature request for our design team to consider.

Any news on this? Has there been a decision? Hopefully, this will be supported. πŸ˜ƒ

I second that opinion. Actually and way to color text would be great.



Me too I support this feature, it can be great to at last color the text, but using style="" to set the colors is better for me, I normaly use with <em></em>,<strong></strong>, <u></u>, <s></s>… well mainly text format', or in <blockquotes> too, but it don't work on github…

Adding a way to add a background color can be great too, when I make <table></table> it can be hard to easily see the entries and separators <th></th>.

Yes, please!

I like to write color-coded documentation. When I document a complicated set of instructions, I like to put a list of the parameters that are needed at the beginning and then give each parameter it's own color.

Plus, for commenting student jupyter notebooks, it would be awesome to write my comments in color.

I agree that we have to have the color tags back.

@paulnakroshis really? I can't use that at all.. the style attribute is disallowed.



No news about this request ?
GFM won't get colorized text anymore?

cklie commented


@cklie etc: You guys are commenting on a closed issue, which won't do any good. This is also the wrong repo.

The relevant issue to support would be html-pipeline#287, as that is the repo that actually does the HTML filtering.

EDIT: this is incorrect, see below.

please color

E3V3A commented


You guys are commenting on a closed issue, which won't do any good. This is also the wrong repo.

  1. Why did you close it, if it is not resolved?
  2. The issue you linked, refer back to you guys as using a "different whitelist".
  3. THIS is the github repo, so why do you say it's wrong??

@E3V3A I was wrong about the other repo, I read that this filtering was done elsewhere, but either that was wrong to begin with, or has changed since 2015.

I have no idea why it was closed. @bkeepers, is there a Trello board or something else that this is being tracked on, or should we reopen it here?

tecz commented

Four years later--is there still no way to color text in a GitHub readme or some sort of whitelist of what's allowed so I can at least try to hack together a solution?

Filtering out certain HTML/CSS attributes is completely understandable, but I have a few projects with use-cases involving the ability to change the font size and font color in a few readme files. Is this ever going to be possible, or do I need to look into utilizing another tool to accomplish this? files on GitHub can be so incredibly convenient to use, but it always feels like there's something I need that the web interface makes weirdly impossible to do (e.g. color text, print a README file without all of the chrome)...

I do not understand why text color is not possible on github when so many people is demanding it...

I remember 20 years ago in basic HTML we could already have colors on the Internet. This is so modern. πŸ™„

tecz commented

GitHub is such an awesome service, but it's easy working somewhere like GitHub to forget that a lot of the rest of us are stuck working with managers who will specifically ask "this documentation is great, but can you make that text red?" or "how do I print this readme without all of the other crap on it?"

I eventually gave up and decided to use GH pages + jekyll. It's great, and multimarkdown is even better than GFM.

this would totally be a killer feature! would be great if it is prioritized

+1 for: <span style=β€œcolor:red;”> text </span>

+1 yes, please!

Please, don't add "+1" comments to the issue. And to any issue on github in general.
Just add thumbs up to the first comment.

Because otherwise a big group of people would be notified over email with your comment.

Really? It is 2018 and we can't color our texts in GitHub Readmes???

I am so glad people continue to wish for this development Hope it will actually come true one day

Yes this is something I really miss. Please at the possibility to modify
the text color.

E3V3A commented

Apparently nobody GaF here...
Even suggesting to reopen a closed issue that was wrongly closed without any reason.
(Let's do it the old fashioned MS way, put our head up our * and pretend the problem doesn't exists.)

@E3V3A Maybe we just need to try it on Windows 10 🀣

This might help:

Status: Not yet implemented

![Status: **Not yet implemented**](

I also would like to have github flavored markdown allow css styling, including background color if possible:

Should look like this:

screen shot 2019-02-09 at 23 08 42


Still waiting for this to be resolved





Please re-open this and provide an update. It's a handy functionality and many people have expressed interest!

I'll pile on to say that I have significant need for this capability for my work.


@dyasny good luck - Sounds like no one wants to touch this. Maybe Microsoft employed someone who would be willing to take on the challenge ;)

This is ridiculous - how hard can it be to add the ability to allow <span style="color: red;">text</span> into the markdown - what is the point of allowing issues to be raised if no one actually gives two hoots about them, when there is obviously a lot of people who would benefit from this feature?



Please do not add +1 to this or any issue. It notifies everyone and provides no value.

If you want to show your support for an issue, add a reaction to the original comment.

If you want to be notified about changes/updates, there's a subscribe button near the top on the right.

I'll +1 this to be annoying like the lazy Github developers that have kicked this can down the road for 5+ years... Why can't you guys add some basic support for coloring text?!? It's way past ridiculous already.

Can GitLab actually give a reason why this request is being ignored? Is it because it is too technically challenging to implement or because they don’t think this feature has merit? I would of thought it would be relatively easy to allow users to use foreground and background colours in Markdown - the syntax already exists in HTML, which could be implemented by allowing the SPAN tag in Markdown. Happy to stop pushing for this if there is actually a technical reason why this isn’t possible.

@bkeepers, which gem are you using for this. Can you provide a link to the repository so one of us can propose an upstream PR?

Thank you.

I've come across this thread since i needed to highlight some parts of a README file in green and red. I have resorted to using the diff language tag to generate some colored text and it luckily fits my use case, but i want to express my interest in re-opening this unfortunately closed issue and hope we can get an update on the current situation as to why this is not possible after 5 years since this feature has been requested.

And another one! Please make it possible to highlight text in different colors. I would need for my documentation. So, if you need some info why this would be good.

One of my projects puts out strings like this "4$VYb030llJwQLSmOT+OwsjA$1R447MnqP71JV12qXASEd++gR3cW9AfRUHVmWThiRwU+JzGHD99p53wbIV+kKoiy$cVBESqRgkflwX2jzBkThyfAzHWJm3L1tg5LCq849Pzw". This string is made of 4 different parts. Being able to color each of these parts would help the reader very much.

I don't understand, is this too complex too implement or cost too much money?


😞 6 years down the line. Still no support. Github supports all the stupid emojis but not colored text. 😩

I do not believe we have waited this long with no definitive yes or no!

We need colors, coding is no more a monocrome text on a terminal, Microsoft, give us life !

my god it takes

Colors please!

Colous please! @github-cla

if you must,
try this:

- red
+ green
! orange
# gray

to render something visually appealing such as:

-! Warning !-


+( Venisons dear isn't it? )+


!~ Dwarf Shortage ~!


#=- Stationary Store Moves -=#

reposting so its immediately visible

if you must,
try this:

- red
+ green
! orange
# gray

to render something visually appealing such as:

-! Warning !-


+( Venisons dear isn't it? )+


!~ Dwarf Shortage ~!


#=- Stationary Store Moves -=#

reposting so its immediately visible

Thanks! But... seriously, Github? An HTML 1.0 feature like this? What is this, gopher?


! Don't want to add the "!"!
+ Why "+"?
- Don't want "-" either.
# Why??
@@ Not change diff, but add a new language for it. @@
@@ Or greater is SUPPORT HTML style!! @@

+1 Please add colours

As a workaround, you guys can use something like this ⬇️

It will display this:
#FF0000 #FF0000

My work. Thanks. πŸ’―

β–  β–  β– 
β–  β–  β–  β– 
β– β– β– β– β– 
β– β– β– β– β– 

I would love color support in text too, I have a command line utility that utilizes ANSI color for terminal output, and it is a main feature of it, as it without it is less usable. And to showcase it in properly, I need to put a screenshot, which is silly a bit.


Having it be a text, would make it easier to update it automatically on code changes, make it more accessible, response to background color changes better, and probably make it be a little more SEO / search friendly, and make it more friendly on mobile.

hi, so Github, what's up with text color? At least integrate the <span style="color:red"> RED TEXT </span> to work... using the diff option works, but... its not fun to use.


Colors are the best thing in life, we don't want a B&W one. Computers had their sad monochrome days, then came the happiness with colors, why going back?

I am so tired of this shit. My hacker uses your website along with his 10 aliases. Can't you get him to stop hacking me. This has been going on for almost 10 yrs. It's actually stalking EU commission wants me to get the local police involved. I don't want to but I guess that's where it is going. His name is Derek Pate but I don't think he uses that name. Just so he stays out of trouble.

wow, you are completely confused. This ain't the support channel. This is about colored github issues. Completely unrelated

Welcome 2021, still no colors...

This is a closed request. Literally, every comment in here for a long time now has fallen upon deaf ears.

I think a new request needs to be opened. Not sure why this one was closed.

Instead of posting +1 here, please add your support to issue #1440.

2022 and still waiting... *sigh*

We need colour text plz

put in text editor: 8-10 color. No need custom color.

this issue is closed. I don't think github staff will be looking at your comments here. I suggest you comment here

Yes you are right!!!

2023 and still waiting
#### $\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Color didint work .}}$

$\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Color didint work .}}$

dont comment here. Its useless.

this issue is closed. I don't think github staff will be looking at your comments here. I suggest you comment here

dont comment here. Its useless.

this issue is closed. I don't think github staff will be looking at your comments here. I suggest you comment here #1440

Frankly, I don't think commenting in the new issue is of much use either. They just couldn't care less, to stay polite.

2023 and still waiting #### $\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Color didint work .}}$

Well, it does work now xD

2023 and still waiting #### $\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Color didint work .}}$

Well, it does work now xD


2023 and still waiting #### $\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Color didint work .}}$

$\textsf{{\color[rgb]{0.0, 0.0, 1.0}I}{\color[rgb]{0.1, 0.0, 0.9}t~ }{\color[rgb]{0.2, 0.0, 0.8}d}{\color[rgb]{0.3, 0.0, 0.7}o}{\color[rgb]{0.4, 0.0, 0.6}e}{\color[rgb]{0.5, 0.0, 0.5}s~ }{\color[rgb]{0.6, 0.0, 0.4}n}{\color[rgb]{0.7, 0.0, 0.3}o}{\color[rgb]{0.8, 0.0, 0.2}w}{\color[rgb]{0.9, 0.0, 0.1}!}{\color[rgb]{1.0, 0.0, 0.0}!}}$

Note, however, that it's still unselectable or searchable as text.

Looks like, this turns off the syntax highlighting in <details>

$\textcolor{red}{\textsf{Colored summary}}$
- old line
+ new line