
Plugin seems to ignore maven proxy settings

brianoliver opened this issue · 2 comments

After many hours trying to make the plugin work behind our firewall and corporate proxy, I've come to the conclusion that the plugin must not be honoring the maven proxy settings as they are defined in my settings.xml.

The plugin systematically fails with "Network Not Reachable" and "Timeout" exceptions when attempting to publish to github gh-pages from behind our firewall with our standard proxy settings.

All other maven functions and plugins operate normally, including retrieving artifacts from repositories (over both http and https), publishing artifacts to repositories (over https) when behind our firewall, using our corporate proxy settings Furthermore regular "git" commands (and other GUI-based git tools) also work as expected.

Additionally I've tried forcing ipv4 (turning off ipv6) at the adapter level, operating system level and with Java. Doesn't help.

What does help is simply being on a network that has no proxy.

This is with both Java 6, Java 7, Maven 3.0.3 and 3.0.4. None of these combinations help.

We should read the proxy settings, and apply them when uploading the site.

yo can always use mvn -Dhttps.proxyHost=<proxy host or ip> -Dhttps.proxyPort=<portnumber> .... picking up environment variables tends differ between JVM implementations