- 0
maven-jarsigner-plugin : Using this, want to fail the maven build if the Codesign certificate is expired
#157 opened by pjonnlagadda - 0
can ping github, and access github, and submit code, but not deploy for plugs.
#141 opened by lunasaw - 2
404 error when trying to deploy
#155 opened by HyperCodec - 2
Error creating blob: Not Found (404)
#145 opened by Dilitand1 - 0
Maven BuildNumber plugin problem
#154 opened by FrancescoMez79 - 2
- 1
Server 'github' not found in settings Issue
#151 opened by koasyy - 0
Issue: My custom domain name for gh-pages get resetted after mvn site-deploy
#153 opened by sebastienvermeille - 6
create refs fails with encrypted error "Invalid request.\n\nFor 'links/0/schema', nil is not an object"
#137 opened by reachvimalm - 0
- 0
site-maven-plugin uses incorrect email address
#148 opened by ctubbsii - 4
site goal fails with :For 'properties/author', nil is not an object." and "For 'properties/comitter', nil is not an object.
#105 opened by Redrield - 0
Invalid Request
#143 opened by aarushbhutra - 0
- 3
Maven-execution-plugin is not running when its enclosed in in pluginmanagement of pom.xml
#125 opened by navakrishna - 0
Caused by: org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException: The packaging for this project did not assign a file to the build artifact
#140 opened by javaHelper - 3
Cannot download from dependency as all artifacts uploaded has a different name because of date suffix
#123 opened by donkeysharp - 3
Using a user with no email address causes error site failed: Index: 0, Size: 0
#99 opened by drdamour - 2
[PLUGIN IS NOT MAINTAINED, see below] site-maven-plugin stuck after message "Creating 338 blobs"
#139 opened by etienne-sf - 0
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:java
#138 opened by ali3assi - 0
- 1
- 0
p2 respository
#135 opened by penghzhang - 3
- 0
site-maven-plugin should add nav links to mvn site in index page
#134 opened by Pr0methean - 0
Unable to parse input schema(s)
#133 opened by vbmaven - 1
- 0
Create artifacts locally
#130 opened by zygimantus - 0
Cannot new a custom field after installing the computed_custom_field plug-in.
#129 opened by yingsheng658 - 0
- 0
mvn command not found??
#126 opened by deep12154 - 3
Error creating tree: Not Allowed (405)
#114 opened by awoods - 1
- 0
support ssh deployment
#121 opened by marco-brandizi - 1
Doc error in README `mvn site`
#119 opened by mikesamuel - 0
- 4
[maven-release-plugin] Consolidate git push
#116 opened by mkarg - 3
JaCoCo .resources files not deployed
#112 opened by timp - 1
Failed to execute goal com.carrotsearch.randomizedtesting:junit4-maven-plugin:2.3.2:junit4 (tests) on project elasticsearch
#115 opened by meghalidhoble - 0
Project needs a README
#111 opened by timp - 4
Failed to execute goal com.github.github:site-maven-plugin:0.12: Error creating commit: Invalid request.
#103 opened by adm3942soit - 0
Add support for index.html in gh-pages
#110 opened by XsubinX - 0
Expected BEGIN_OBJECT but was STRING
#109 opened by amusarra - 0
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.github:site-maven-plugin:0.12:site (default) on project coidi-site: Error creating blob: Unexpected end of file from server -> [Help 1]
#108 opened by jajir - 3
- 0
Add parameter expression for path
#106 opened by jinahya - 0
plugin group overriden?
#104 opened by jinahya - 1
Plugin blocks indefinitely when creating blobs
#101 opened by eduramiba - 1
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.github:site-maven-plugin:0.12:site (default) on project parent: Error retrieving user info: Not Found (404) -> [Help 1]
#100 opened by paulvi - 1