
Using a user with no email address causes error site failed: Index: 0, Size: 0

drdamour opened this issue · 3 comments

I used oauth token to use a user with no email addresses set: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.github.github:site-maven-plugin:0.12:site (default) on project rmp-core: Execution default of goal com.github.github:site-maven-plugin:0.12:site failed: Index: 0, Size: 0 -> [Help 1]

I don't think an email address should be required

Could you please tell more about it? Where (in the pom?) an email address is required?

not in the pom. on the github side the user did not have an email address. I suspect the json de-serialization is expecting an email address field to be present.

Getting this too. It's this line:

Our enterprise install displays null in this field for many CI accounts. Can the array be tested for size before an index is used?