🔏 A small WebAuthn API wrapper that translates to/from pure JSON using base64url.
- AndreaGriffiths11The Internet
- Arthelon@jpmorganchase
- chenrui333@meetup
- daliborgogic@dlbrdev
- diego-stratta-cdsCodigoDelSur
- giodamelioSeattle, WA
- gnuns@callixbrasil
- hartcaRemote
- iMericaAustin, Texas / SF, Bay Area
- iqbaladinurostryan
- jesusgarza
- jiegec
- jsaguet-betclic
- jsscclrLondon, UK
- juliomrqz@Bicycle-Health @aceforth @toptal
- LeanKhanAbuja, Nigeria
- m1guelpf@worldcoin
- majksnerFSE @ AirShaper
- marcofaggianMarcon (VE), Italy
- martincostello@justeattakeaway
- morphy2kGermany
- mykiwiopen to work
- nekman
- nelenkov
- nezdemkovskiPrague, Czech Republic
- nickurt
- rdmurphy@themarshallproject
- roycewilliamsGCI (AK) | ALPCA | Team Hashcat
- smiller171@kitcheck
- tikurahul@google
- TimothyBJacobsiThemes / @iron-bound-designs
- tiziano88@google, @project-oak
- ur5usUnfolding Web
- whoiskjl1wayto
- yackermannIndependent Consultant.
- zemirco@merckgroup