
Forex speculation using Chainlink

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is about Forex speculation, where the user makes a prediction on whether the pound sterling to US$ conversion rate is above or below a certain rate and place the bet accordingly using a price feed from Chainlink.
Remix was used to compile and deploy the solidity file and smart contract onto the Sepolia Testnet, where SepoliaEth was used as gas accordingly. A Javascript file app.js as well as the html and css files were written and enclosed on github, and everything was showcased on Github pages as a website format.
The project is hosted at https://github.com/githubber2047/Forex-Spec/tree/main. The URL for the Github Pages where we can view the user interface is at https://githubber2047.github.io/Forex-Spec/. THe price feed used was the Chainlink GBP/USD conversion rate at: 0x91FAB41F5f3bE955963a986366edAcff1aaeaa83 The address for the smart contract deployed on Sepolia testnet is: 0x4A574D86E475dCa902a3F805AA9fC65274E028fE

The project sought to make a real world use case for chainlink apart from pure cryptocurrency speculation based on the currencies of 2 of the largest economies in the world and hopes to attract the mainstream crowd to participate in using chainlink and smart contract dapps.