
Portfolio Overview Tool for Your CryptoCoin Capitalization-Weighted Portfolio.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


DISCLAIMER: This tool neither is, nor should be construed as an offer, solicitation, or recommendation to buy or sell any cryptoassets.

A CLI app, that pulls the cryptocoin balances from your exchanges and displayes your portoflio in comparison to the overall market. A recommendation is shown based on the ideal capitalization-weighted portfolio.


npm install
npm run build
cp settings.example.json settings.json


Run the sample: node sample Edit settings.json with your exchange api keys, then: node index


CryptoETF has API integrations with the following exchanges:

With these exchanges, you can easily build yourself your own CryptoETF.


The tool expects your settings in settings.json. Take a look at settings.example.json for a starting point.

  • accounts: Under accounts, fill in your api credentials for the exchange that you want to use. Delete the exchanges that you do not need.
  • symbolMapping: Some exchanges use different symbols that coinmarketcap.com. Hence here you can map the symbols, e.g.: map MIOTA to IOTA.
  • otherHoldings: A place to manually add some of your holdings. Notation is key: Symbol, value is amount of native currency.
  • options: These are specific options for the tool:
    • targetValueUsd: The target value for your ETF; A general rule of thumb is to keep your crypto at a certain percentage of your overall investment portfolio. This could be 5, 10, 20 or more percent, depending on your risk tolerance.
      • Default [false]: Use current portfolio value as target value.
      • Number [1 - 999999999999]: Use fixed number as target value.
    • rebalanceDeltaTotalPct: Treshold in percent, that will show a Y in the rebalance column, once rebalancing of total portfolio is recommended.
    • rebalanceDeltaPct: Treshold in percent, that will show a Y in the rebalance column, once rebalancing of individual position is recommended.
    • minValueBtc: Ignore coins that only have a holdingsvalue under a certain bitcoin value.
    • exchangeMinValueBtc: Don't list exchanges in the exchanges column, with less than the specified BTC value. The complete holding value will still be added in the total sum.
    • hideMissingCoins: By default CryptoETF will add all missing coins up to your last coin holding by rank of the coin (global market cap). This option disables that behaviour.
  • outputFile: Path to a file to forward the output to as json.


  • npm test To run all the unit tests, without the integrations, which require api keys.
  • npm testLocal To run all the unit tests, with the integrations, which require you to set all api keys in settings.json.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D




  • BTC: 1jzYq6yo4MCZnjsGFahhV8ZQd7TwLeCL6
  • ETH: 0xfE131Eb3dc3E0476d7eD26134A4A17Cc253C1689
  • LTC: LUVz63UPLqsQG5LHD3zgnaHGts7bm4Yxm8