a Fluentd regular expression editor
You can download and run Fluentular container from DockerHub:
$ docker pull tomohiro/fluentular
$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 tomohiro/fluentular
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Supported Platforms:
Platform | Version |
Ruby | Ruby 2.6 (Puma) |
Docker | 18.09.0 or later |
Using EB Command Line Interface
Create an Application:
$ eb init # Choose a platform from Ruby or Docker
Create an Environment:
$ eb create
Using AWS Console
You can use Dockerrun.aws.json when creating a new environment.
For more information, see Deploying a Sinatra Application to AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Elastic Beanstalk.
Google App Engine
$ gcloud preview app deploy
- fluentdのformat(正規表現)の作り方について試行錯誤中 #fluentd - Glide Note - グライドノート
- Fluentdでparser用の正規表現を書く・試す - tagomorisのメモ置き場
- Scriptular
- Rubular: a Ruby regular expression editor and tester
© 2012 - 2019 Tomohiro Taira.
This project licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.