githubrr's Following
- ifesdjeen
- teh-cmc@rerun-io
- sigalorDivizend GmbH
- thejh
- tejasmanoharHightouch
- vanhoefm
- Metalnem@microsoft
- tgulacsiUNO-SOFT Computing Ltd.
- clintonwooNew York
- kat-co
- imchairmanm
- prashantv@chronosphereio (prev @uber)
- headinthebox
- wohaliToronto, ON, Canada
- clangen
- jbenetProtocol Labs
- kevinburke
- tianon@docker, but thoughts, comments, commits generally his own ("do not represent the views of Docker, Inc" etc etc)
- adriancoRetired
- DanielVFCharlotte, NC
- kelseyhightowerWashington
- zx2c4
- bradfitzTailscale
- kentonv@cloudflare
- FiloSottileRome, Italy
- armonHashiCorp
- mattheathLondon / Amsterdam
- philpennock@PennockTech @ConnectEverything
- dkorolev@SysDesignMeetup, @MiroApp, @C5T
- kortschakAdelaide, South Australia
- ongardieself
- tpopeBrooklyn, NY
- jakewins@tibber
- otoolepGoogle
-, a.s.
- donnemartin@facebook