
github constantly updated mirror of http://ruby2cext.rubyforge.org/svn

Primary LanguageRuby


Ruby2CExtension is a Ruby to C extension translator/compiler. It takes any Ruby
source file, parses it using Ruby's builtin parser and then translates the
abstract syntax tree into "equivalent" C extension code.


* Ruby 1.8.4, 1.8.5 or 1.8.6
* RubyNode (available at http://rubynode.rubyforge.org/)


Just run (as root):

  gem install ruby2cext

Or if you do not use the gem:

  ruby setup.rb

This will install Ruby2CExtension to the default locations. Optionally you can
supply some options to setup.rb to customize the installation (see "ruby
setup.rb --help").


Please see doc/index.html for more documentation.


Copyright 2006-2007 Dominik Bathon <dbatml@gmx.de>

Ruby2CExtension is licensed under the same terms as Ruby.