- 1
- 1
add install dir
#679 opened by wikky250 - 1
Problems while dragging (moving) mainwindow with floating dockwidgets : size being smaller and smaller
#681 opened by BH2WFR - 1
- 8
Feature Request: Autohide of dock mechanism
#635 opened by imikejackson - 2
close tab button highlighted all the time(Not an issue, just a question)
#677 opened by rvspavankumar - 1
Which old version support Qt4
#675 opened by sxzxs - 0
Dark screen on Q3DSurface
#674 opened by mib383 - 0
Tab double click and renaming
#673 opened by pylessard - 3
Is CDockManager designed to be used as a Singeleton?
#671 opened by zyrkiel - 2
Add Anchor mode to AutoHide
#672 opened by zyrkiel - 0
- 0
activate tab
#669 opened by downloadproject - 1
Official support PyQt6
#668 opened by rqx110 - 1
Create CDockWidget from drag
#666 opened by pylessard - 2
- 1
- 2
Fixed Non-Resizable Frame alongside Dock Manager
#661 opened by matinmoezzi - 4
- 1
- 0
After docking window A to floating window B, floating window B does not appear
#657 opened by linxi-github - 0
- 0
- 2
Wheel event on DockAreaTabBar
#654 opened by ma-robox - 1
- 6
Random crash under Windows when changing tab
#638 opened by bansan85 - 2
DisablingTabTextEliding not letting DockAreaDynamicTabsMenuButtonVisibility to function and program crashes
#653 opened by manikSom - 5
- 1
- 3
- 1
- 1
DSO missing from command line
#650 opened by sachapierot - 15
- 1
Can the controls in this project be used in QML?
#651 opened by TSMX315 - 2
Re-docking of floating docks without window decoration
#649 opened by Tectu - 3
Combobox misbehaviour after undocking [python]
#648 opened by RubendeBruin - 1
How to remove the gap between floating widgets? just like the style of vscode. Thanks!
#646 opened by zhangfq-chemistry - 11
- 1
Crashing often due to QTimer in updateTabs
#639 opened by ensisoft - 1
CDockManager::DockAreaHas* features inconsistent
#636 opened by JamesJCode - 8
Under AutoHideDockWidget, the setWindowTitle method cannot be synchronized to the pop-up screen
#637 opened by jenifly - 4
- 1
- 1
Move CDockWidget to an index
#631 opened by dawin64 - 2
Typo in DockManager.h
#632 opened by char101 - 7
restoreState then add CDockWidget to a DockArea crash
#629 opened by gooker - 1
How can I fix dock width?
#630 opened by soryeongpark - 1
CDockWidget allowed area
#628 opened by Intemporel - 2
- 5