
Concepts and applications regarding the efficient development, deployment and maintenance of machine learning models.


Concepts and applications regarding the efficient development, deployment and maintenance of machine learning models.

Based on personal professional experience and Standford's CS329S (Machine Learning Systems Design) course.


MLOps deals with the process of defining the interface, algorithms, data, infrastructure and hardware for a machine learning system to be reliable, scalable, maintainable and adaptable.

This brings a whole suite of challenges to machine learning practitioners:

  • Data testing: how to know if a sample is good or bad for your system?
  • Data and model versioning: how to version datasets and model checkpoints? Example: DVC
  • Monitoring: how to know that your data distribution has shifted and you need to retrain your model? Example: Dessa
  • Labeling: how to quickly label new data or re-label existing data? Example: Snorkel
  • CI/CD: how to run tests to make sure your model still works as expected after every change? Example: Argo
  • Deployment: how to package and deploy a new model or replace an existing model? Example: OctoML
  • Model compression: how to compress a ML model to fit onto consumer devices?
  • Inference optimization: how to speed up inference time for your models? Example: TensorRT
  • Edge devices: hardware designed to run ML algorithms fast and cheap. Example: Coral SOM
  • Privacy: how to use user data to train your models while preserving their privacy? Example: PySyft
  • Data format: if your samples have many features and you only want to use a subset of them, using columnar file formats like parquet and ORC are optimized for it.

Designing Machine Learning Systems

When designing a ML system, several things need to be considered:

1. Inference mode: Batch vs Online

Batch mode

  • Generates predictions periodically
  • Predictions are stored somewhere (S3, SQL, CSV)
  • Should be optimized for high throughput

Online mode

  • Generates predictions as requests arrive
  • Predictions are returned as request responses
  • Should be optimized for low latency

2. Computing location: Cloud vs Edge

Cloud computing

  • Computation is done in cloud servers
  • Requires high network availability and speed
  • Enables the utilization of high-capacity models

Edge computing

  • Computation is done on-device
  • Doesn't require a network connection
  • Models are constrained by memory, CPU and energy of the device
  • Fewer concerns about data privacy
  • Saves costs by requiring fewer cloud computing resources

3. Learning mode: Offline vs Online

Offline learning

  • Retrained every month or so
  • Trained on large batch sizes
  • Samples are repeated across epochs
  • Evaluation is done offline

Online learning

  • Retrained every few minutes
  • Trained on small batch sizes
  • Samples are seen at most once
  • Evaluation is done mostly by A/B testing

4. Evaluation metrics

How to evaluate models during training and how to evaluate models during serving, when there's no hand-labeled ground truth?

Single model, single loss

  • Easy to train and understand
  • Can only optimize for a single business metric

Single model, combined loss

  • Tuning the importance of each loss requires retraining of the model
  • Enables optimization for multiple business metrics

Combining models, each with individual loss

  • Action to take based on a weighted combination of the results of each model
  • Tuning the importance of each model doesn't require retraining of the models
  • Enables optimization for multiple business metrics
  • Easier to maintain, one of the models might evolve quicker than the others - only that one needs to be retrained that often

5. Constraints

Time constraints

  • 20% of the time to get initial system working, allows you to validate the hypoythesis and the pipeline
  • 80% of the time on iterative development

Budget constraints

  • Data availability
  • Hardware resources
  • Talent availability


  • Baselines: existing solutions, simple solutions, human experts, competitors solutions
  • Usefulness threshold: self-driving cars need human-level performance, predictive texting doesn't
  • Precision vs Recall: COVID screening shouldn't have false negatives, fingerprint unlocking shouldn't have false positives
  • Interpretability: does the model need to be interpretable? If yes, to whom?
  • Confidence measurement: does the model need to report its confidence on a prediction? What to do with predictions below that threshold - discard it, assign to a human or ask for more information from users?


  • Requirements for annotation, storage, third-party solutions, cloud services and regulations
  • Can data be shipped outside organizations for annotation?
  • Can the system be connected to the internet?
  • How long can you keep users data?