
TTY.JS based Docker Container repo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Docker Image repo for Javascript based Unix Terminal/Console which you can access from a web browser on your preferred port. Built on Node.JS and TTY.JS from respective authors. Packaged with ZSH and Prezto for awesomeness!!

Check out the terminal recording to glance on how to build from my repo as is.

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://asciinema.org/a/4qktrmlwxbhdl87vizno30ei1.js" id="asciicast-4qktrmlwxbhdl87vizno30ei1" async></script>

Alternatively, you may readily use my automated image linked to my Git Repo from Docker hub as follows

  1. Make sure you have docker installed and running docker version
  2. docker pull kalz/zsh_tty to pull the image from docker hub
  3. Start the container by running docker run -p <portofyourchoice>:8080 --hostname <preferredhostname> --name <<nameyourcontainer> -d kalz/zsh_tty

Access your Terminal from latest web browser on http://<dockerhost>:<portofyourchoice>/

One caveat is, Copy and Paste may not work in all browsers, however, the fool proof method is to use tmux style key modes to copy/paste as listed below.


  1. Ctrl + a enters prefix mode, and in this mode you may use [ to start selection mode and hit v or space to mark selection using h/j/k/l keys and hit Ctrl + c to copy selected text.
  2. Typically you would select a text using a mouse and right-click copy and hit Ctrl+a and Ctrl + v to paste the copied content.
  3. When you are in Visual or Selection mode, hitting ESC will return you to normal mode
  4. Ctrl + PageUp or Ctrl + PageDown moves the screen content.