
This is a little website that works as an extension to Mastodon. It displays the toots but not the boosts for a particular user. It helps people that want to showcase their toots, for example when doing jokes, drawings, photos or any other form of content people might want to look back through.

To create your own, simply add your user identifier to the main url like this:


For example for me that would be: https://justmytoots.com/@cookie_mumbles@ohai.social

Local setup & Contribution

The setup is simple. Just clone the repo and run the ./startServer.sh script (assuming you have php installed, otherwise a simple npm/python/whatever server should do the trick) to launch a simple server on your local machine at http://localhost:8008. Then you can request any mastodon user from your local machine like this: http://localhost:8008?acct=@user@example.social. Notice the additional property syntax ?acct= that is different from the server, as the local server does not respect the .htaccess rules atm.

If you'd like to contribute, just look through the Issues I've already created for something you could help with, or create a new Issue or DM me on Mastodon if you have any good ideas.