Pinned Repositories
list accommodations is NSW, sydney area using vue spa and php via ATLAS api
This is my solution for learnosity backend challenge which I passed, on using raw sql to solve a bit complicated problem of a questionary answer time calculations on a a set of timed questions created through Symfony api endpoints.
ecs sample using cdk
sample lambda using cdk
A react user-friendly list\edit app that lets us edit applicants details in a list of applicants and toggle one of them as primary applicant
This is a collection of small projects demonstrating my skills in backend as well as frontend web development
This is second test I successfully passed for Newscorp. It is a sample to show my proficiency SOLID oop concepts and design patterns. It implement strategy design pattern. It solves how to find Straightness in a set of Poker cards.
property-map is a front end utility which can filter a set of realestate properties based on multiple attributes and show them on a map
A Laravel api which can add/edit attributes to a database of real estate properties and find statistics of any attribute grouped by country, state or suburb
This is an interview code challenge I did for a solar energy company which I completed using vue and laravel. It is a full fledged web application which can keep track ofsolar projects and their related customers. It features all crud operations including mass deletion. It features how to use laravel resource apis, javascript async and await (new method for promises). It also uses docker as a method to launch the application locally.
gitmaz's Repositories
list accommodations is NSW, sydney area using vue spa and php via ATLAS api
This is my solution for learnosity backend challenge which I passed, on using raw sql to solve a bit complicated problem of a questionary answer time calculations on a a set of timed questions created through Symfony api endpoints.
ecs sample using cdk
sample lambda using cdk
A react user-friendly list\edit app that lets us edit applicants details in a list of applicants and toggle one of them as primary applicant
This is a collection of small projects demonstrating my skills in backend as well as frontend web development
This is second test I successfully passed for Newscorp. It is a sample to show my proficiency SOLID oop concepts and design patterns. It implement strategy design pattern. It solves how to find Straightness in a set of Poker cards.
property-map is a front end utility which can filter a set of realestate properties based on multiple attributes and show them on a map
A Laravel api which can add/edit attributes to a database of real estate properties and find statistics of any attribute grouped by country, state or suburb
This is an interview code challenge I did for a solar energy company which I completed using vue and laravel. It is a full fledged web application which can keep track ofsolar projects and their related customers. It features all crud operations including mass deletion. It features how to use laravel resource apis, javascript async and await (new method for promises). It also uses docker as a method to launch the application locally.
My sandbox for playing with react
sample web app with node express backend and react frontend with azure and aws techniques
This is the test I successfully passed for newscorp. A Twitter API integration example using Laravel and Vue js