
Intro: Week 4: Object-Oriented Javascript Independent Project

Primary LanguageHTML

Pizza Shop

Object-Oriented Javascript Independent Project for Epicodus, 11.4.16

By Michelle Llaguno


This is a website for a pizza company where a user can choose a pizza size and one or more individual toppings then see the final cost.

Setup Instructions

Behavior Driven Development

  • Create a form with name field, option for pizza size, option to choose toppings, and a submit button.
  • Size select options include Personal - 10", Medium - 12", Large - 18", XL - 22".
  • Topping select options include pepperoni, sausage, prosciutto, mushrooms, kale, and caramelized onions.
  • Create Pizza object constructor with properties for toppings and size.
  • Create a prototype method for the cost of a pizza depending on the selections chosen.
  • Display receipt total at the end.
  • Style site with CSS and images.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • jQuery


{Open Source.}

Copyright (c) 2016 {Michelle Llaguno}