Old university project for our introductory Database Systems class in summer of 2010.

Primary LanguageJava


  • Maven 2.X
  • Eclipse <= 3.5 with hibernate-tools plugin
  • PostgreSQL


Get the code

  • Go to your workspace dir

  • Clone the project in a local git repository git clone git://github.com/cholin/WM.git cd WM

  • Install the project in your local mvn repository and make a eclipse project mvn install mvn eclipse:eclipse

Configure Eclipse

  • Start Eclipse New -> Java Project [x] Create Project from existing Source

  • Switch to the hibernate perspective

  • Click the hibernate config window

  • Right-click and click "Add Configuration" Main: Type: [x] Annotations Project: Your Project Configuration file: /WM/src/main/resources/hibernate.cfg.xml

          Database dialect: PostgreSQL

Compile executable jar with dependencies

    mvn assembly:assembly

Look at the Wiki

The Wiki has some additional information.