A list of cool open-source projects that you can contribute to with one click
- akosyakov@gitpod-io
- austintoddj@wpengine
- bigint@heyxyz
- bogdaaamn@deptagency
- claudiofreitasTokyo, Japan
- cr7yashIndia
- CreativeOthmanOpay Inc
- davidgrzyb@worksitesafety
- deiviudsSão Paulo, Brazil
- developerfredinterchangeably
- dnsmichi@GitLab
- doc22940Bells Vista Farm
- DreadKnight@FreezingMoon
- gauravashq
- ifyour
- jankeromnesEarth
- JAugustoGuimaraesInetum
- JesterOrNot@TypeFox
- lrlucena@IFRN
- lsantosdemoura@grupoboticario
- lucaslattariIFSUDESTEMG-Rio Pomba
- manjunath00Bangalore
- ManUtopiKFrance
- mouse484Japan
- nickfnblum@NICK-FN-BLUM
- nisarhassan12Lahore, Pakistan
- openainext
- Potherca@muze-nl @pdsinterop @pipeline-components @bpkg @plantuml-stdlib
- praveshtoraindia
- ryanpcmcquenInternebz
- spillsthrills
- SriNandan33@everest-engineering
- svenefftingeGitpod
- tech-andgarColombia
- thanhtoan1196
- victorbordo