Gitpod django cookiecutter sample

A gitpod sample configured to quickly set up production ready django applications in the cloud using cookiecutter-django.

Getting Started

Click the button below to start the workspace

Open in Gitpod

Follow all the onscreen prompts accordingly and make sure the project_name is the same both times you're prompted to enter it as shown below:

project_name: monty
project_name [My Awesome Project]: monty
project_slug [monty]: 

Postgres is already enabled in the workspace, so all you need to do is create a database with the same name as your project:

psql -U gitpod
CREATE DATABASE project_name;

Now for it to work you need to define a DATABASE_URL variable either in the settings file or preferably a .env file that isn't included in VCS. The default database connection string looks like this postgres:///dbname the one you define should be in this format postgres://user@localhost:port/dbname.

And then migrate your database:

python migrate

Happy coding!!!

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