The driver is designed to provide a convenient way to access Axibase Time Series Database via SQL. The internal communication is implemented by means of transferring resultsets in CSV format via HTTP or HTTPS protocols. See the SQL API Documentation to find a description of the query format, a list of supported SQL functions, and other useful information.
Product / Date | 2016-03-15 | 2016-03-29 | TBA |
JDBC Driver | 1.2.1 | 1.2.6 | 1.3.x |
ATSD Version | 12400 | 12500+ |
Property Name | Valid Values | Default |
trustServerCertificate | true, false | false |
strategy | file, stream | stream |
Add dependency to pom.xml.
Alternatively, you can build the project yourself.
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests=true
If you do not use a build manager such as Maven, you can download a JAR library from Maven Central: Direct URL and add it to the classpath of your application.
* Unix: java -cp "atsd-jdbc-1.2.6.jar:lib/*" your.package.MainClass
* Windows java -cp "atsd-jdbc-1.2.6.jar;lib/*" your.package.MainClass
You can also use a universal database manager, for example DbVisualizer. Follow instructions in the manager's user guide to create a custom driver based on the JAR file from the link above.
ATSD JDBC driver prefix is "jdbc:axibase:atsd:". Following the prefix is the http/https URL of the ATSD SQL API endpoint. If necessary, add JDBC Connection properties listed above.
The project is released under version 2.0 of the Apache License.
- Java 1.7 and later
DECIMAL | false | 3 | -1 |
DOUBLE | false | 8 | 52 |
FLOAT | false | 6 | 23 |
INTEGER | false | 4 | 10 |
LONG | false | -5 | 19 |
SHORT | false | 5 | 5 |
STRING | true | 12 | 2147483647 |
TIMESTAMP | false | 93 | 23 |
Feature | Value |
All Procedures Are Callable | false |
All Tables Are Selectable | false |
Auto Commit Failure Closes All Result Sets | false |
Catalog Separator | . |
Catalog Term | catalog |
Database Major Version | 12500 |
Database Minor Version | 0 |
Data Definition Causes Transaction Commit | false |
Data Definition Ignored In Transactions | false |
Default Transaction Isolation | 0 |
Does Max Row Size Include Blobs | false |
Driver Major Version | 1 |
Driver Minor Version | 2 |
Extra Name Characters | |
Generated Key Always Returned | false |
Identifier Quote String | " |
Is Catalog At Start | false |
Is Read Only | true |
JDBCMajor Version | 4 |
JDBCMinor Version | 1 |
Locators Update Copy | false |
Max Binary Literal Length | 0 |
Max Catalog Name Length | 0 |
Max Char Literal Length | 0 |
Max Column Name Length | 0 |
Max Columns In Group By | 0 |
Max Columns In Index | 0 |
Max Columns In Order By | 0 |
Max Columns In Select | 0 |
Max Columns In Table | 0 |
Max Connections | 0 |
Max Cursor Name Length | 0 |
Max Index Length | 0 |
Max Procedure Name Length | 0 |
Max Row Size | 0 |
Max Schema Name Length | 0 |
Max Statement Length | 0 |
Max Statements | 0 |
Max Table Name Length | 0 |
Max Tables In Select | 0 |
Max User Name Length | 0 |
Null Plus Non Null Is Null | true |
Nulls Are Sorted At End | true |
Nulls Are Sorted At Start | false |
Nulls Are Sorted High | false |
Nulls Are Sorted Low | false |
Procedure Term | procedure |
Result Set Holdability | 1 |
Schema Term | schema |
Search String Escape | \ |
SQL State Type | 2 |
Stores Lower Case Identifiers | true |
Stores Lower Case Quoted Identifiers | true |
Stores Mixed Case Identifiers | false |
Stores Mixed Case Quoted Identifiers | false |
Stores Upper Case Identifiers | false |
Stores Upper Case Quoted Identifiers | false |
Supports Alter Table With Add Column | false |
Supports Alter Table With Drop Column | false |
Supports ANSI92 Entry Level SQL | false |
Supports ANSI92 Full SQL | false |
Supports ANSI92 Intermediate SQL | false |
Supports Batch Updates | false |
Supports Catalogs In Data Manipulation | false |
Supports Catalogs In Index Definitions | false |
Supports Catalogs In Privilege Definitions | false |
Supports Catalogs In Procedure Calls | false |
Supports Catalogs In Table Definitions | false |
Supports Column Aliasing | true |
Supports Convert | false |
Supports Core SQLGrammar | false |
Supports Correlated Subqueries | false |
Supports Data Definition And Data Manipulation Transactions | false |
Supports Data Manipulation Transactions Only | true |
Supports Different Table Correlation Names | false |
Supports Expressions In Order By | true |
Supports Extended SQLGrammar | false |
Supports Full Outer Joins | true |
Supports Get Generated Keys | false |
Supports Group By | true |
Supports Group By Beyond Select | true |
Supports Group By Unrelated | true |
Supports Integrity Enhancement Facility | false |
Supports Like Escape Clause | true |
Supports Limited Outer Joins | true |
Supports Minimum SQLGrammar | false |
Supports Mixed Case Identifiers | true |
Supports Mixed Case Quoted Identifiers | true |
Supports Multiple Open Results | false |
Supports Multiple Result Sets | false |
Supports Multiple Transactions | false |
Supports Named Parameters | false |
Supports Non Nullable Columns | true |
Supports Open Cursors Across Commit | false |
Supports Open Cursors Across Rollback | false |
Supports Open Statements Across Commit | false |
Supports Open Statements Across Rollback | false |
Supports Order By Unrelated | true |
Supports Outer Joins | true |
Supports Positioned Delete | false |
Supports Positioned Update | false |
Supports Savepoints | false |
Supports Schemas In Data Manipulation | false |
Supports Schemas In Index Definitions | false |
Supports Schemas In Privilege Definitions | false |
Supports Schemas In Procedure Calls | false |
Supports Schemas In Table Definitions | false |
Supports Select For Update | false |
Supports Statement Pooling | false |
Supports Stored Functions Using Call Syntax | false |
Supports Stored Procedures | false |
Supports Subqueries In Comparisons | false |
Supports Subqueries In Exists | false |
Supports Subqueries In Ins | false |
Supports Subqueries In Quantifieds | false |
Supports Table Correlation Names | false |
Supports Transactions | false |
Supports Union | false |
Supports Union All | false |
Uses Local File Per Table | false |
Uses Local Files | false |
First, make sure your ATSD instance is started and you have valid credentials to access it. To execute a query, open a connection, create a SQL statement, execute the query and process the resultset:
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:axibase:atsd:" +
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(<SQL_QUERY>);
The same pattern applies to prepared statements:
Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:axibase:atsd:" +
PreparedStatement prepareStatement = connection.prepareStatement(<SQL_QUERY>);
ResultSet resultSet = prepareStatement.executeQuery();
To check how the driver works, run the following example:
String url = "jdbc:axibase:atsd:;trustServerCertificate=true";
String query = "SELECT entity, datetime, value, tags.mount_point, tags.file_system "
+ "FROM df.disk_used_percent WHERE entity = 'NURSWGHBS001' AND datetime > now - 1 * HOUR LIMIT 10";
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "axibase", "axibase");
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();
ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery(query);) {
int rowNumber = 1;
while ( {
System.out.print("\tentity = " + resultSet.getString("entity"));
System.out.print("\tdatetime = " + resultSet.getTimestamp("datetime").toString());
System.out.print("\tvalue = " + resultSet.getString("value"));
System.out.print("\ttags.mount_point = " + resultSet.getString("tags.mount_point"));
System.out.println("\ttags.file_system = " + resultSet.getString("tags.file_system"));
final SQLWarning warnings = resultSet.getWarnings();
if (warnings != null)
1 entity = nurswghbs001 datetime = 2016-03-22 12:52:03.0 value = 28.8116 tags.mount_point = / tags.file_system = /dev/md2
2 entity = nurswghbs001 datetime = 2016-03-22 12:52:04.0 value = 28.8116 tags.mount_point = / tags.file_system = /dev/md2
3 entity = nurswghbs001 datetime = 2016-03-22 12:52:18.0 value = 28.8116 tags.mount_point = / tags.file_system = /dev/md2
4 entity = nurswghbs001 datetime = 2016-03-22 12:52:19.0 value = 28.8116 tags.mount_point = / tags.file_system = /dev/md2
5 entity = nurswghbs001 datetime = 2016-03-22 12:52:33.0 value = 28.8117 tags.mount_point = / tags.file_system = /dev/md2
6 entity = nurswghbs001 datetime = 2016-03-22 12:52:34.0 value = 28.8117 tags.mount_point = / tags.file_system = /dev/md2
7 entity = nurswghbs001 datetime = 2016-03-22 12:52:48.0 value = 28.8117 tags.mount_point = / tags.file_system = /dev/md2
8 entity = nurswghbs001 datetime = 2016-03-22 12:52:49.0 value = 28.8117 tags.mount_point = / tags.file_system = /dev/md2
9 entity = nurswghbs001 datetime = 2016-03-22 12:53:03.0 value = 28.8117 tags.mount_point = / tags.file_system = /dev/md2
10 entity = nurswghbs001 datetime = 2016-03-22 12:53:04.0 value = 28.8117 tags.mount_point = / tags.file_system = /dev/md2
The following example shows how to extract metadata from the ATSD database:
String url = "jdbc:axibase:atsd:;trustServerCertificate=true";
try (Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "axibase", "axibase");
Statement statement = connection.createStatement();) {
DatabaseMetaData metaData = connection.getMetaData();
String databaseProductName = metaData.getDatabaseProductName();
String databaseProductVersion = metaData.getDatabaseProductVersion();
String driverName = metaData.getDriverName();
String driverVersion = metaData.getDriverVersion();
System.out.println("Product Name: \t" + databaseProductName);
System.out.println("Product Version:\t" + databaseProductVersion);
System.out.println("Driver Name: \t" + driverName);
System.out.println("Driver Version: \t" + driverVersion);
ResultSet rs = metaData.getTypeInfo();
while ( {
String name = rs.getString("TYPE_NAME");
int type = rs.getInt("DATA_TYPE");
int precision = rs.getInt("PRECISION");
boolean isCS = rs.getBoolean("CASE_SENSITIVE");
"\tName:%s \tCS: %s \tType: %s \tPrecision: %s", name, isCS, type, precision));
rs = metaData.getTableTypes();
while ( {
String type = rs.getString(1);
System.out.println('\t' + type);
rs = metaData.getCatalogs();
while ( {
String catalog = rs.getString(1);
System.out.println("\nCatalog: \t" + catalog);
ResultSet rs1 = metaData.getSchemas(catalog, null);
while ( {
String schema = rs1.getString(1);
System.out.println("Schema: \t" + schema);
Product Name: Axibase
Product Version: Axibase Time Series Database, <ATSD_EDITION>, Revision: <ATSD_REVISION_NUMBER>
Driver Name: ATSD JDBC driver
Driver Version: <DRIVER_VERSION>
Name: DECIMAL CS: false Type: 3 Precision: -1
Name: DOUBLE CS: false Type: 8 Precision: 52
Name: FLOAT CS: false Type: 6 Precision: 23
Name: INTEGER CS: false Type: 4 Precision: 10
Name: LONG CS: false Type: -5 Precision: 19
Name: SHORT CS: false Type: 5 Precision: 5
Name: STRING CS: true Type: 12 Precision: 2147483647
Name: TIMESTAMP CS: false Type: 93 Precision: 23
Catalog: ATSD
Schema: Axibase
We recommend Spring Data JDBC library to integrate ATSD JDBC driver. You can find an example on how to use it here.
config file gist:
public class AtsdRepositoryConfig {
public SqlGenerator sqlGenerator() {
return new AtsdSqlGenerator();
public DataSource dataSource() {
final HikariDataSource dataSource = new HikariDataSource();
return dataSource;
public EntityValueDoubleRepository entityRepository() {
return new EntityValueDoubleRepository(table);
repository file gist:
public class EntityValueDoubleRepository extends JdbcRepository<EntityValueDouble, Double> {
public EntityValueDoubleRepository(String table) {
super(ROW_MAPPER, new MissingRowUnmapper<EntityValueDouble>(), table);
public static final RowMapper<EntityValueDouble> ROW_MAPPER = new RowMapper<EntityValueDouble>() {
public EntityValueDouble mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
return new EntityValueDouble(rs.getString("entity"), rs.getLong("time"), rs.getDouble("value"));
There is a sample how to use it with Spring Boot:
private EntityValueDoubleRepository entityRepository;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
PageRequest page = new PageRequest(0, 1000, Direction.DESC, "time", "value");
Page<EntityValueDouble> result = entityRepository.findAll(page);
List<EntityValueDouble> list = result.getContent();
assert list != null && !list.isEmpty();