
This repository contains the dataset for "I Can’t Reply with That": Characterizing Problematic Email Reply Suggestions

Characterizing Problematic Email Reply Suggestions

This repository contains the dataset for "I Can’t Reply with That": Characterizing Problematic Email Reply Suggestions, which is to be published in the Proceedings of the 2021 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.

The dataset is described in Section 4 - Issue Evaluation: Experiments - where we assessed the potential impact of both content and contextual cues on the perceived appropriateness of suggested email replies through a series of online crowd experiments.

In our experiments, we asked judges to provide quantitative ratings and qualitative feedback on email-reply scenarios we derived from our interviews, online anecdotes, publicly available email corpora, and reply suggestions from a major email provider (see sections 4.2 and 4.3 in the paper for additional detail).

The set of email-reply scenarios that we designed consisted of (1) a social tie (i.e. who the email was from) and structural features (i.e. email greetings and closings) that we experimentally varied, and (2) an email-reply pair, consisting of the body of a hypothetical email and a hypothetical reply.

In total, we constructed 132 unique email-reply pairs, and collected 9,504 ratings (6 ratings for each email-reply pair under the experimental conditions) from 259 unique judges. For each rating, participants completed several Likert scale responses and had the opportunity to submit a correction to the email reply to make it more appropriate, as well as to submit an explanation for that correction. In total, 96% of judges submitted at least one correction, and 70% of tasks contained a judge-generated correction (see section 4.5.4 for our analysis of these corrections).

The Data


Each row corresponds to a single email-reply scenario judgement, and has the following columns, which have been grouped for convenience:

Judgement IDs

JudgeID : An anonymous judge ID
pair_id : a unique ID for the email-reply pair
scenario_id : a unique ID for the scenario (email-reply + social tie + structure)

Judgement metadata

category : the category for the email-reply pair
social_tie : the social tie the email is from
email_structure : a boolean for whether the greeting/closing were included
counterbalance : the counterbalancing group
hierarchy : factor indicating whether relationship has low or high hierarchy
relationship : factor indicating relationship type (professional, personal, family)
timer : time in seconds spent on this judgement
timer_bins_meta : binned time variable

Judgement content

email_from : who the email is from
email_greeting : the greeting used at the top of the email
email_closing : the closing used at the end of the email
email_body : the body of the email being judged
email_context : the first sentence of the email
email_act : the second sentence of the email
email_reply : the reply to the email

Likert ratings

appropriate : Likert scale rating for how the appropriate the reply is
positive : Likert scale rating for how the positive the reply is
polite : Likert scale rating for how the polite the reply is
professional : Likert scale rating for how the professional the reply is
sufficient : Likert scale rating for how the sufficient the reply is

Binary and free text responses

would_send : a binary response indicating if judge would send email as is
adjustment : text response, how the judge would adjust to the email before sending it
adjustment_rationale : text response, the judge's rationale for their adjustment
adjusted : a boolean indicating if the judge changed the reply

Word counts and classifications

num_words_{email_body,email_reply,adjustment} : number of words in each text column
num_char_{email_body,email_reply,adjustment} : number of chars in each text column
short_email : boolean classification of email
num_words_diff_adjustment : number of words added or removed while adjusting the reply