
Create a task board that will allow the user to create and reorder multiple task lists.

Building a Useful Task Board

Create a task board that can create and reorder multiple task lists.

alt text


  1. The task board must start with 1 empty column

  2. Task Board features:

  • Add, remove, reorder tasks
  • Add, remove, reorder columns
  • Move task between different columns
  • Sort the tasks of a column alphabetically
  1. Task title should always be visible


  • You should use Vue.js and Yarn
  • You can use VueJS Libraries
  • You do not need persistent data
  • Code quality is more important than appearance (UI)


  • Fork the repository
  • Develop your task board solution
  • Open a pull-request


  • Submit original and compiled files
  • If your solution needs instructions to run, please detail step-by-step in pull-request or readme.