
A docker image allowing you to manage your domains and certificates and automatically renews them.

Primary LanguageShellGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

This is based on the great work by the bringnow team, I am just trying to keep it going with updates. I am not currently looking at adding any new features, but if it seems easy enough I might try to tackle them, so just let me know.


A docker image allowing you to manage your domains and certificates and automatically renews them. It is based on the official letsencrypt docker image. It uses the ACME webroot method to perform domain validation, allowing zero-downtime certificate renewals.


The most simple way to install letsencrypt-manager is by using docker-compose. Letsencrypt-manager already comes with a ready-to-use docker-compose configuration which you can easily adapt to your needs.

Setting up letsencrypt-manager on a new machine

If you install a machine which should be able to request and automatically renew certificates, you need to first install letsencrypt-manager on it. This is easily done by cloning the Git repository and optionally adapting the configuration.

  1. Clone letsencrypt-manager
# cd /opt/ && git clone https://github.com/gitsf/docker-letsencrypt-manager.git && cd docker-letsencrypt-manager
  1. Add an alias for letsencrypt-manager (optional):
# echo alias letsencrypt-manager=\'/opt/docker-letsencrypt-manager/letsencrypt-manager\' >> ~/.bashrc && source ~/.bashrc
  1. The command letsencrypt-manager is now ready for usage. Type letsencrypt-manager help for a list of available commands:
root@example.com:~ # letsencrypt-manager help
Checking for newer docker image (pass --no-update-check to suppress this behavior)
Pulling cli (dockersf/letsencrypt-manager:latest)...
latest: Pulling from dockersf/letsencrypt-manager
c30f6751f7b9: Pull complete
e9b49204a716: Pull complete
ffd2bf5cfcb6: Pull complete
5e3aa4c8b310: Pull complete
d03fb0127c24: Pull complete
143361aade13: Pull complete
6aabaf8c992e: Pull complete
bb6cba7c8e81: Pull complete
5135069c23b3: Pull complete
624d6dbcc23e: Pull complete
67c1ab7766ad: Pull complete
f91f147a8823: Pull complete
5716861f8aa4: Pull complete
d518b059a1fd: Pull complete
d8b465d4cc8a: Pull complete
34e75f566970: Pull complete
4e756390d748: Pull complete
1b1ae5ef54d7: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:2692bdd736047fe6028b30f9acc48e774ff03fe1ca7966952450eeb9b4677307
Status: Downloaded newer image for dockersf/letsencrypt-manager:latest
Available commands:

help              - Show this help
list              - List configured domains and their certificate's status
add               - Add a new domain and create a certificate for it
renew             - Renew the certificate for an existing domain. Allows to add additional domain names.
remove            - Remove and existing domain and its certificate
cron-auto-renewal - Run the cron job automatically renewing all certificates
auto-renew        - Try to automatically renew all installed certificates

As you can see, the letsencrypt-manager helper script automatically downloads the latest version of the docker image. If you want to disable updating on every execution, just pass the --no-update-check flag. For example letsencrypt-manager --no-update-check help.

You can now proceed with the following sections.

Custom configuration (optional)

Just define the following environment variables in a file .env:

  • LE_EMAIL: Set the email-address used by letsencrypt. If not set, letsencrypt will ask for it interactively when requesting a certificate. (optional)
  • LE_RSA_KEY_SIZE: Set the RSA key size used by letsencrypt (optional, defaults to the default setting of letsencrypt).
  • CRON_TIME: The execution time of the renewal cronjob. For the syntax check CronHowto. Default is weekly, must be entered in standard cron notation * * * * *
  • LE_PRE_HOOK: Set the hook command for running before a certificate is renewed.
  • LE_POST_HOOK: Set the hook command for running after a certificate is renewed.
  • AUTO_RENEW_CHECK_SUCCESS_URL: A URL to send a GET request to after a successful auto renew check (optional). This can be used to get notified if the job fails through a service like healthchecks.io or Dead Man's Snitch.

The docker-compose.yml config file already defines some docker host volumes. Of course you can change them easily. See Compose file reference for syntax details. Notice that you need to change them twice, for the services cli and cron!


  • /etc/letsencrypt: The configuration directory of the letsencrypt client.
  • /var/lib/letsencrypt: The working directory of the letsencrypt client.
  • /var/acme-webroot: This is the directory where letsencrypt puts data for ACME webroot validation.

Preparing your webserver

The webserver of your choice must expose the configured webroot folder of the host (see the Let's Encrypt Documentation for details).

If you want to use haproxy I recommend to use bringnow's haproxy-letsencrypt Docker image for zero-downtime renewal and automatic reload on configuration/certificate changes.

If you want to use nginx I recommend to use bringnow's nginx-letsencrypt Docker image for zero-downtime renewal and automatic reload on configuration/certificate changes.


Show installed domains/certificates

You can show the installed certificates by simply calling letsencrypt-manager list:

root@example.com:/opt/docker-letsencrypt-manager # letsencrypt-manager list
Checking for newer docker image (pass --no-update-check to suppress this behavior)
Pulling cli (gitsf/letsencrypt-manager:latest)...
latest: Pulling from gitsf/letsencrypt-manager
Digest: sha256:2692bdd736047fe6028b30f9acc48e774ff03fe1ca7966952450eeb9b4677307
Status: Image is up to date for gitsf/letsencrypt-manager:latest
DOMAINNAME                    ALTERNATIVE DOMAINNAMES                        VALID UNTIL               REMAINING DAYS
example.come                  example.com example.de                         Feb 14 12:52:00 2016 GMT  15

The helper script will automatically update the docker image of letsencrypt-manager. If you want to skip this update just pass the flag --no-update-check.

The list command shows a table with one row per certificate and four columns:

  1. The main domain name of the certificate.
  2. The space-separated list of alternative domain names for the certificate.
  3. The absolute expiry date of the certificate.
  4. The relative expiry date of the certificate in days.

Adding a new domain/certificate

  1. Ensure the DNS configuration for the new domains is properly setup to point to the machine.
  2. If you do not have a valid SSL certificate for the domain(s) you want to add, just run the ACME enabled webserver without any https configuration (so only port 80).
  3. Execute letsencrypt-manager add <main domain name> [alternative domain names]...
  4. If not previously present, add the https configuration for the added domain(s) to your web server configuration.

Configuring auto-renewal of certificates

Starting the cronjob which automatically renews all installed certificate is actually quite simple, just execute the update-cron.sh script to update the docker image and (re)-creating the service:

root@example.com:/opt/docker-letsencrypt-manager # ./update-cron.sh
Checking for newer docker image (pass --no-update-check to suppress this behavior)
latest: Pulling from gitsf/letsencrypt-manager
Digest: sha256:1bca6790d578309fad48ac81c30cae826a91a92d9c09660ca9d307ddc435d6c8
Status: Image is up to date for gitsf/letsencrypt-manager:latest
Creating dockerletsencryptmanager_cron_1...

The cronjob will check every day if any of the installed certificates expires in less than 4 weeks and will try to renew them. That was simple, wasn't it?

If you want to manually start the auto-renewal, just call letsencrypt-manager auto-renew.

Modify/renew an existing certificate

To modify the list of alternative domain names and/or manually renew a certificate you can run the renew command:

letsencrypt-manager renew <domain name> [alternative domain names]...

Removing a domain/certificate

Removing an domain from the host can be achieved by executing letsencrypt-manager rm <domainname>. This will remove all certificates and also auto-renewal configuration for this domain.

Sync certificates, keys and configuration to a Git repository

If you want to backup the private keys and certificates (what you should do!) I recommend bringnow's docker-git-sync. It will periodically listen for changes in the /etc/letsencrypt folder and commit & push any changes to a Git repository of your choice. Make sure to keep this Git repository in a safe place!

Other issue

Please have a look at the existing issues or report a new one.