
API for psr creator

Primary LanguageJavaScript

PSR Generator API

(Node , Express)

This is the API fhttps://github.com/cmtanko/psr_creator. Mostly every organization keeps track of the project as daily report or weekly or monthly. Most uses Jira for project management and github for version control. So this psrgenerator generates

Daily Report based on that day's commits from git. It will also show the task state completed/InProgress and total time required to do that task and total hours spent on that day ** Prerequisite: ** (User should smart commit) git commit -m "ISSUE-NO -m ISSUE-MESSAGE -t ISSUE_HOURS -s ISSUE_STATE" eg. git commit -m "PSRG-003 -m Added cronjob npm package -t 1 hr -s In Progress" git commit -m "PSRG-003 -m Completed cronjob task -t 2hrs 30m -s Completed"

Weekly/Montly Report based on JIRA state. If the state is on 'selected for development' it is marked as 'To Do', 'in progress' = 'in progress' and 'ready for testing' = 'Completed'

To work or contribute in the project

1. Clone this repo in your server.

git clone https://github.com/cmtanko/psr_creator_api

2. Install the dependencies

npm install

3. Start the server

npm start


Feel free to fork this project. Do send a pull request our way if you implement something the world should see.