To start your Phoenix app:
- Install dependencies with
mix deps.get
- Create and migrate your database with
mix ecto.create && mix ecto.migrate
- Install Node.js dependencies with
npm install
- Start Phoenix endpoint with
mix phoenix.server
Now you can visit localhost:4000
from your browser.
Ready to run in production? Please check our deployment guides.
Learned how to load CSV data into Ecto from @wsmoak:
"...translate_error function was found in web/views/error_helpers.ex instead of web/gettext.ex"
"Ecto 2.0 now requires an explicit :ecto_repos configuration for running tasks like ecto.migrate and others. Open up your config/config.exs and add:"
config :offshore, ecto_repos: [Offshore.Repo]
You can run the priv/repo/panana_seeds.exs
script after putting the csv data files in priv/repo/data
. Download the data from the ICIJ website.
Before loading the data, you'll need to create the tables an Ecto schemas. YMMV, but you can use the generators if you want controllers and views too.
- mix phoenix.gen.html Address addresses address icij_id valid_until country_codes countries node_id:integer:unique sourceID
- mix phoenix.gen.html Intermediary intermediaries name internal_id address valid_until country_codes countries status node_id:integer:unique sourceID
- mix phoenix.gen.html Officer officers name icij_id valid_until country_codes countries node_id:integer:unique sourceID
- mix phoenix.gen.html Entity entities name original_name former_name jurisdiction jurisdiction_description company_type address internal_id incorporation_date:date inactivation_date:date struck_off_date:date dorm_date:date status service_provider ibcRUC country_codes countries note valid_until node_id:integer:unique sourceID
- mix phoenix.gen.html Edge edges node_1:integer rel_type node_2:integer
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